Sasmo wood chip and chunk for gasification

The project has 2 objects: 1) to produce better chip quality or chunk to the gasification plants and 2) to provide essential data for the Danish as well as international standardisation work.


Both the more theoretical test and the practical test on, the gasification plant in Harboøre during the 1. stage of the project proves that the output of the gasification plant can be improved by optimizing the wood chips. In brief, the conclusion is: a. that the performance of the gasifier increases when using the coarse Sasmo wood chip; b. that the Sasmo chipper has difficulties in producing wood chips of whole trees applicable for the present plant as badly cut slivers has a tendency of bridging; c. that the Sasmo chipper is unfit for producing of predried trees. Measuring the max output of the gasifier has not been comprised in the test. However, based on the reduction of the counter pressure in the gasifier the production management consider that the output might increase with app. 25 % when using the coarse wood chip from the Sasmo 100. Stage 2. was carried out with a 1200 mm diameter disc chipper especially made for coarse chips and has produced essential information about the importance of coarse chips with a moderate content of dust in the gasification plants. The coarse chip improved the stability in the output. We haven't been able to see this at the trial, but the management of the gasification plant has no doubt that wc haven't reached the optimum size yet. A continuous work with the Sasmo chipper for this purpose does not seem relevant, primarily due to the difficulties of the machine of chipping predried trees and the problem with too many slivers. The new know-how with the coarse disc Silvatec chipper will be used in future development of the machine. This has actually already happened as this has already resulted in an upward adjustment of the chip size. The decisive difficulty is, however, that you only find one gasification plant of this type in this country and due to the charge in the energy politic in the last years the addition has stopped. The problem is even greater as the existing plant is not able to use the entire production from l chipper. Until they start setting up further gasification plants further work with developing the Silvatec chipper towards the coarse chip is limited, so the chip size will not exceed what the majority of costumers use

Key figures

1999 - 2004
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.12 mio. DKK
0.43 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
79 %
Project budget:
0.55 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Sasmoflis og chunk til forgasning
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


Hedeselskabet (Main Responsible)


Leer, Ebbe
Comtact information
Hedeselskabet Skov og Landskab A/S
Klostermarken 12
DK-8800 Viborg, Denmark
Leer, Ebbe , 87281000,
Øvr. Partnere: Forskningscentret for Skov og Landskab; Forskningscenter Bygholm; Babcock og Wilcox Vølund