Possiblities for separated fraction from biogasproduction - Pre-project

The purpose of the project is to clarify advantages and disadvantages, potentials and possible problems when burning or gasifying the separated fibre fraction from biogas production, before the fibre fraction is returned to the soil.

Project description

The Purpose of the assignment is to clarify advantages/disadvantages and possibilities/problems when incinerating or gasifying separated dry fraction from biogas production, before returning it to the soil. As reference, this will be compared to returning the dry fraction to the soil without any further aftercare. The comparison will be based on data from the Måbjerg BioEnergy project. The Assignment is undertaken to supplement the EFP- and PSO-programs in their decision concerning whether incineration or gasification of fibers from manure should be prioritized in future R and D programs


A situation where the fibre fraction is returned after the biogas production without further treatment is used as reference. The project is carried out with the purpose of being able to assess whether burning or gasifying the separated fibre fraction should be prioritised in the future national energy research and development programmes by the Danish Energy Authority and the Transmission System Operators. The overall conclusions of the project are that: 1) Burning/gasification is problematic with the existing legislation. 2) There can be potential in burning or gasification of the fibre fraction, but it should be investigated closer through practical tests, which can illustrate practical problems, emission of NO_x and organic connections as well as the chemical composition of the ashes. 3) Burning or gasification of the fibre fraction will overall have a limited effect with regards to loss of nutrients seen in relation to spreading of raw manure. It will thus still be possible to adhere to existing legislative demands with regards to utilisation of nitrogen in the raw manure. However, there will be a lesser utilisation of the nitrogen when burning/gasifying than when spreading the fermented and degassed manure

Key figures

2004 - 2004
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.27 mio. DKK
0.28 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
51 %
Project budget:
0.54 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Mulig efterbehandling af separeret faststoffraktion ved biogasproduktion - Forprojekt
Bio and waste
Case no.


Rambøll (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing


Juul-Kristensen, Bjarne
Comtact information
Rambøll. Energiplanlægning
Teknikerbyen 31
DK-2830 Virum, Denmark
Juul-Kristensen, Bjarne , 45988795, bjk@ramboll.dk
Øvr. Partnere: PlanEnergi