Improvement of the energy demand model in the ADAM/EMMA

The aim of this project has been to improve the energy and emission model EMMA. EMMA can be run separately or in interaction with the Danish macro econometric model ADAM.

Project description

The purpose of the project is to develop a new version of the ADAM-EMMA model system, which is empirically and theoretically superior to the present version. The project can be split into the following, partly independent sub-projects. 1 ) Households. Transportation energy: The choice between individual and collective transportation is described in an integrated model, such that the price on one transportation form influences the quantity of the other form in a theoretically consistent manner. Electricity and heating: The demand of households for energy is decribed in a model simultaneously determining the purchase of energy consuming devices. This means that the purchase of such a device has consequences for the energy demand in subsequent periods. Energy prices will have effects partly through changes in the stock of devices, partly through a different use of the stock. 2) Industries. Transportation: The transportation choice of industries is endogenized. The experience from an ongoing, partly EFP financed research project at the DMU is applied. Electricity and other non-transportation energy: The energy demand is analyzed using a more general production structure than the present one. In particular, as in the case of household demand, the energy demand will be linked to the stock of devices. Panel data estimates: It is analysed, whether parameter estimates based on a panel data set of individual industries can be exploited in EMMA. The experience and estimations from an ongoing EFP research project at AKF are applied. 3. New user version of ADAM-EMMA. New types of emissions are included in the model. The result of the project is a new version of ADAM-EMMA, which is distributed to the users of ADAM


An improved modelling of demand for energy in industries and households has been in special focus in the project. This has lead to a completely new model of household demand for electricity. The model focuses on energy services given as a combination of investment in applaincies on the one hand and electricity consumption (a picture of how much the applaincies is used) on the other hand. The demand for electricity and 'other energy' in industries is modelled as an approximation to a CESsystem where electricity and 'other energy' can be substitutes. 'Other energy' covers oil, gas, coal, district heat and biomass. A new emission model now including eight types of emissions has been developed. Emissions included in the EMMA-model are CO_2, NO_x, SO_2, CO, MH_4, N_20, NH_3 and NMVOC. The interaction between ADAM and EMMA has also been improved by developing programmes to control the iteration proces between the models

Key figures

2001 - 2002
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.68 mio. DKK
1.68 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
50 %
Project budget:
3.36 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Forbedring af beskrivelsen af energianvendelsen i ADAM/EMMA
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Statistik. (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Grinderslev, Dorte
Comtact information
Danmarks Statistik. Økonomiske Modeller
Sejrøgade 11
DK-2100 København Ø, Denmark
Grinderslev, Dorte (fuldmægtig), 39173917,
Øvr. Partnere: