Lightweight hydrogen storage for hydrogen vehicle

The objectives of the project were to develop and manufacture a lightweight storage for hydrogen usable for pressures up to 300 bar and based on fibre reinforced tanks. Three storages have been constructed during the project, which can be used up to 300 bars, based on commercial available components.

Project description

The objectives of the project are to design and construct a high pressure lightweight hydrogen storage for transport based carbon fiber composite cylinders. In the first part of the project a 200 bar storage will be made using commercial available fiber composite cylinders. In the second part of the project a 300 bar or higher pressure storage will be designed and constructed. The possibilities of setting up a production of hydrogen storages for transport will be investigated. The storage will after completion be tested and especially the safety aspects will be evaluated. The storage will be used by other demonsttration projects within the Hydrogen Program


The one storage has been constructed for incorporation into a Ford Focus, which has been converted to hydrogen operation by NFVE. The storage fulfil the following specificatons: 1) Trunk dimensions: 104x75x55 cm. 2) Storage pressure: 1-200 bar. 3) Storage capacity (200 bar): 1,21 kg hydrogen approx 145 MJ (LHV) approx 4,5 L gasoline. 4) Discharge rate: 100 Nl/min at start, 500 Nl/min at accelration, 250 Nl/min at 80 km/h. IRD (DK) and CRF (I) have constructed the other two storages for incorporation into each a Fiat Sciento Elletra car converted to fuel cell operation. The storages fulfil the following specificatios: 1) Max dimensions: 110x90x60 cm. 2) Storage pressure: 1-200 bar. 3) Storage capacity (200 bar): 0,72 kg hydrogen approx 87 MJ (LHV) approx 2,7 L gasoline. 4) Discharge rate: 60 Nl/min. The present storages can easily be converted to operation at 300 bars. All components are specified for 300 bar operation except the pressure regulators. The possibility of making an all polymer fibre reinforced tank was investigated experimental. The hydrogen loss through different polymer liners in test tanks was measured. The losses ranged from nothign using a metallised polymer liner up to 2.6%/month for a pure polymer liner. There results indicate that it is possible to make sufficient hydrogen tight fibre reinforced tanks with polymer liners. Substitution of the present aluminium liner with a polymer liner will reduce the tank weight from 4.5 kg to approx. 2.4 kg

Key figures

1999 - 2006
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.52 mio. DKK
0.72 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
58 %
Project budget:
1.24 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Letvægtslager til brintbil
Brint and fuelcells
Project type
Case no.


IRD Fuel Cells A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)


Yde-Andersen, Steen
Comtact information
Kullinggade 31
DK-5700 Svendborg, Denmark
Yde-Andersen, Steen (R and D manager), 62800008,
Øvr. Partnere: Forskningscenter Risø. Afdlingen for Materialeforskning