IEA Bioenergy Agreement; Task 33 Thermal Gasification of Biomass. Continued Danish representation in the period 2006-2007

During the project, investigations and development has been performed, focusing on an evaluation of the overall feasibility of gasification of solid biomass in general.

Project description

The purpose of the project is to support an effective outcome of the Danish participation in the international working group IEA Bioenergy Agreement, Thermal Gasification of Biomass - task 33. The work supports the national Danish delegate, and comprises the following activities: - preparation and participation in one annual meeting. - updating the Danish country report. - maintain an e-mail based national dissemination system. - a secretariat for Danish Energy Authority in connection with the Danish participation in IEA Gasification. The general purpose is to secure effective dissemination of information from the participating countries to the Danish contact network for the benefit of Danish research and development activities and furhter to provide information for the energy planning process in Denmark


The project comprises general support and services in conjunction with Denmark's participation in IEA Bioenergy Agreement, task 33, Gasification of Biomass. During the project, investigations and development has been performed, focusing on an evaluation of the overall feasibility of gasification of solid biomass in general. The main outcome of the project was the presentations and conclusions made in an international conference held in Copenhagen October 7th 2010. The event gave an excellent overview of gasification as well as combustion based technologies for small scale combined heat and power production based on wookd, straw or similar solid biomass fuels. An important finding was, that substantial further work is still needed in order to reduce investment, reduce operational costs, improve efficiency and prove operational reliability before any small scale technology for biomass CHP can become commercially successful

Key figures

2006 - 2010
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.08 mio. DKK
0.16 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
67 %
Project budget:
0.24 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
IEA Bioenergy Agreement; Task 33 Thermal Gasification of Biomass. Fortsættelse af den danske repræsentation i perioden 2006-2007
Bio and waste
Case no.


Force Technology (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Evald, Anders
Comtact information
FORCE Technology. Industrielle Processer
Hjortekærsvej 99
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Evald, Anders , 72157750,
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