Photovoltaics integrated in an industrialised building process, Phase 2 (SOL-IND)

Against the background of the SOL-IND project and experience from Japan, one or more solutions for the integration of PV cell units in highly industrialised housing will be selected. The selected solution(s) will be further developed to match the anticipated development of the energy limit requirements.

Project description

The aim of the first year of SOL-IND phase 2 is a continued product development with basis in the industrialised building process. The first period will focus on a further development of solutions for an industrialised building process. The development will be based on the following areas: - experience from the projects EFP06 - SOL-IND and EFP04 - Standard House with Integrated PV-system. - International input with focus on the highly developed Japanese market and. - Requirements and experiences from the Danish market The second period will put together the initial information gathering and the requirements in a specific building project which will be identified during the period. The requirements in the present and planned regulation in relation to the Energy Frame will be an important part of the development of a solution

The aim of the first year of SOL-IND Phase 2 is a continued product development with basis in the industrialised building process. The first period will focus on a further development of solutions for an industrialised building process. The development will be based on the following areas: - Experience from the projects EFP06 – SOL-IND and EFP04 – Standard House with - Integrated PV-system - International input with focus on the highly developed Japanese market and - Requirements and experiences from the Danish market. The second period will put together the initial information gathering and the requirements in a specific building project which will be identified during the period. The requirements in the present and planned regulation in relation to the Energy Frame will be an important part of the development of a solution. SHORTLY AFTER THE PROJECT START THE PROJECT WAS STOPPED. This was due to Skanska as one of the primary project partners had to adjust their workforce. However Skanska announced that they would continue to be involved in the project but had to go through an organizational change before the project could continue. After a long period of deadlock, Skanska announced in November 2008 their withdrawal from the project. The remaining project team has since tried to find a new partner but without success. Recently, it has been exacerbated by the fact that Mio Schrøder from WLA has been forced to close his business. In the initial work was the overall project plan posted: 1. Architectural experience; 2. Economic considerations; 3. Product Reflections - solar cells; 4. Customer Information; 5. Construction Considerations; 6. Selecting the best options from above

Key figures

2008 - 2009
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.10 mio. DKK
0.16 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
61 %
Project budget:
0.27 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Solceller integreret i industrialiseret byggeri, Sol-Ind, Fase 2 (SOL-IND)
Case no.


Eniig a.m.b.a. (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Frederiksen, Kenn H.B.
Comtact information
EnergiMidt. Erhverv
Tietgensvej 2-4
DK-8600 Silkeborg
Frederiksen, Kenn H.B. , 70151560,
Øvr. Partnere: Skanska Bolig A/S; PA Energy A/S; Mio Schrøder A/S; World Lab Architecture (WLA)