Low energy houses in ''DS-418 Calculation of heat losses from buildings''

This project has created a basis for changing DS 418: Calculations of heat loss in buildings. This makes it easier to implement low-energy solutions in buildings. Methods are more comprehensive, but also more user-friendly and accurate. The new DS 418 is a central tool and an incentive for energy savings.

Project description

The aim of the project is to promote the development of new high insulated building constructions with a minimum of heat bridges. When designing new buildings using such cinstructions the door is open to introducing Low Energy Houses in an economic way. It is however important to design the constructions in such a way that effect of heat bridges is minimized. In the Danish Standard ''DS-418 Calculation of heat Losses From Buildings'' values for the heat bridge effect of various construction details are listed. However, calculation methods, values, and examples need to be updated in order to fulfill the demands of designing Low Energy Houses and the national Regulations from 2010. Introducing Low Energy Houses in DS-418 will make it easier for the construction sector to implement low-energy-solutions in new buildings

This project has created a basis for changing DS 418: Calculations of heat loss in buildings. This makes it easier to implement low-energy solutions in buildings. Methods are more comprehensive, but also more user-friendly and accurate. The new DS 418 is a central tool and an incentive for energy savings. (Energy 11)

Key figures

2008 - 2010
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.92 mio. DKK
1.09 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
54 %
Project budget:
2.01 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Lavenergihuse i ''DS-418 Beregning af bygningers varmetab''
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Ravn-Jensen, Lars
Comtact information
Dansk Standard. Center for Byggeri og Miljø
Kollegievej 6
DK-2920 Charlottenlund
Ravn-Jensen, Lars , 39966101, dansk.standard@ds.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Institut for Byggeri og Anlæg (DTU Byg); Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut; Teknologisk Institut; Builddesk A/S