CanDan2 - phase 1. R&D 2nd generation fuel cell systems and large scale demonstration in backup power and materials handling applications in Canada and Denmark

The project continued the activities under the Danish-Canadian project on more cost-efficient second-generation fuel cell systems for the UPS markets and materials handling. In the UPS segment, a 10 kW prototype was developed with costs close to the project objective of USD 2,500/kW, and the modules were used for several CanDan-related demonstration projects in Canada. In the materials handling segment, a hydrogen dispenser was developed, the first prototype successfully tested at a refuelling station, and preparations were made for the new fuel cell prototype, which is to be developed under EDDP project 63011-0045.

Project description

This project is covering phase 1 of the CanDan2 project and a continuation of the ongoing EFP supported project CanDan1 (ENS 33032-0208) with focus on product developing. The main objectives of the CanDan2 project are to: - Conduct R&D on 2nd generation fuel cell systems for backup power and materials handling and supporting hydrogen dispensers and infrastructure, based on learned experiences from 1st generation R&D and pilot testing in CanDan1. - Conduct large scale demonstration in Canada and Denmark in early 2009 of the developed fuel cell system bringing 500 kW backup power and 60 units of forklift materials handling vehicles in operation at end-user sites in the two countries. - Eliminate barriers for large scale deployment by 2010 through systematic handling of non-recurring and costly activities such as certification and approval issues for both fuel cell systems and supporting hydrogen infrastructure. - Secure continuation of CanDan collaboration onwards a CanDan3 large scale deployment in 2010 by securing continous cross-border bilateral collaboration between the fuel cell sector in both Denmark and Canada and securing set-up of necessary supporting market frame conditions for a commercial introduction in the two countries. CanDan2 activities are to be equally co-financed by private and local/national public funding in both countries

The project continued the activities under the Danish-Canadian project on more cost-efficient second-generation fuel cell systems for the UPS markets and materials handling. In the UPS segment, a 10 kW prototype was developed with costs close to the project objective of USD 2,500/kW, and the modules were used for several CanDan-related demonstration projects in Canada. In the materials handling segment, a hydrogen dispenser was developed, the first prototype successfully tested at a refuelling station, and preparations were made for the new fuel cell prototype, which is to be developed under EDDP project 63011-0045. (Energy 10)

Key figures

2008 - 2009
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
5.00 mio. DKK
5.00 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
50 %
Project budget:
10.00 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
CanDan2 - fase 1. 2. generation R&D brændselcellesystemer og storskala demonstration i nødstrøms- og nichetransport applikationer i Canada og Danmark
Brint and fuelcells
Case no.


Ballard Europe (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Mortensen, Paw V.
Comtact information
Dantherm Power A/S. Project Department
Marienlystvej 65
DK-7800 Skive
Mortensen, Paw V. , 96143700,
Øvr. Partnere: Danfoss A/S; H2Logic ApS; Aalborg Universitet; Grundfos Management A/S; EnergiMidt A/S