Passive houses in Denmark - guidelines, tool and examples

The project aims to facilitate the design of passive houses in Denmark by adapting the German passive house design tool, PHPP, for use by Danish users of Be06. The project is undertaken in parallel with the development by the Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority of a new super low-energy class, which is expected to relate to the criteria for passive houses.

Project description

It is the aim of the project to increase the use of super low energy houses in Denmark. This is obtained by facilitating the use of the passive house design tool PHPP. PHPP is a tool developed by the Passive House Institute in Germany especially to design super low energy houses. The tool is thoroughly validated and is an effective design tool, both regarding the design process and regarding reliable results. To ease the use of PHPP instructions and guidelines will be elaborated which explain differences and resemblances between input data used in PHPP and in the Be06 program. Be06 is the program normally used in Denmark in connection with new building. Furthermore it is the plan to produce an excel sheet which can translate were it is possible input data from PHPP to input data to Be06. Finally it is the purpose to elaborate a number of examples which demonstrate differences and simularities between results from PHPP and Be06 and which explain definitions and criteria

It is the aim of the project to increase the use of super low energy houses in Denmark. This is obtained by facilitating the use of the passive house design tool PHPP. PHPP is a tool developed by the Passive House Institute in Germany especially to design super low energy houses. The tool is thoroughly validated and is an effective design tool, both regarding the design process and regarding reliable results. To ease the use of PHPP instructions and guidelines are elaborated which explain differences and resemblances between input data used in PHPP and in the BE06 program. Be06 is the program normally used in Denmark in connection with new building. Furthermore an excel sheet is produced which can translate were it is possible input data to PHPP to input data to Be06. Finally a number of examples which demonstrate differences an similarities between results from PHPP and Be06 and which explain definitions and criteria are elaborated. An annex of the guide is a Danish review of the English edition of PHPP 2007.

Key figures

2008 - 2008
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.09 mio. DKK
0.39 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
81 %
Project budget:
0.48 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Passivhuse i dansk kontekst - vejledning, hjælpeværktøj og eksempler
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Ellehauge & Kildemoes v/Klaus Ellehauge (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Ellehauge, Klaus
Comtact information
Ellehauge og Kildemoes. Århus afdelingen
Vestergade 48H, 2. tv.
DK-8000 Århus C
Ellehauge, Klaus , 86132016,
Øvr. Partnere: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut;