Efficient district heating in the future energy system

The project will shed light on the role of district heating in a future flexible energy system. Focus will be on reducing loss of energy and dynamic use of familiar and new energy technologies such as heat pumps, geothermics, district cooling and heat storage as well as efficiency enhancement of the interaction of district heating with the electricity market.

Project description

In the EU and in Denmark, the aim is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and to use energy more efficiently. District heating and combined heat and power may play an important role for the efforts to achieve this aim. Heat savings may weaken the financial basis for district heating in some areas. At the same time, large amounts of wind power in the electricity system may reduce the operating hours of CHP plants. New technology and altered framework conditions may make individual solutions such as electric heating, heat pumps and micro-CHP more attractive than previously. Therefore, the competitive conditions (from a socioeconomic and a financial point of view) between district heating and other tlpes of heating may change in the future. The question is therefore, to which extent district heating will become part of the answer to future requirements regarding energy efficiency and use of renewable energy. The aim of this project is to analyse how district heating can develop its role in the future energy system by reducing the energy losses and through dynamic use of both well-known and 'new' energy technologies such as heat pumps, geothermal power, district cooling and heat storage. Furthermore, the project aims to explain how the interaction between the electricity market and district heating can be made more efficient, and to point at framework conditions of particular importance to the further development and improved efficiency of district heating

In this project, an optimisation model was further developed and applied for analysing interaction between district heating supply as well as energy savings, CO2 targets, wind power and the international electricity market. Furthermore, more operational case analyses of district heating systems in Ringkøbing and the Copenhagen area, respectively, are based on data from the district heating companies. Finally, at the many meetings with the reference group, a large number of long-term chalelnges for district heating were discussed and analysed, invluding the need for development and demonstration projects. (Energy 11)

Key figures

2007 - 2009
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.32 mio. DKK
1.89 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
59 %
Project budget:
3.21 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Effektiv fjernvarme i fremtidens energisystem
Case no.


EA ENERGIANALYSE A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Lindboe, Hans Henrik
Comtact information
Ea Energianalyse a/s
Frederiksholms Kanal 1 1.sal
DK-1220 København K, Danmark
Lindboe, Hans Henrik , 88707083, info@ea-energianalyse.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Forskningscenter Risø - DTU; RAM-løse edb; Fjernvarmens visionsudvalg; Fredericia Fjernvarme; Skanderborg Fjernvarme; Københavns Energi; Dansk Fjernvarme