Optimization of design of grid-connected PV systems under Danish conditions (PV-OPT)

The experience gained in Germany suggests that grid-connected PV units cannot use the standard design optimally under North European conditions. This project collects key data from Danish PV systems, which are compared with foreign data as a basis for recommendations of optimum design of grid-connected PV units in Denmark.

Project description

Based on data on PV systems in Denmark and on international state-of-art the project will analyze and develop recommendations for design of PV grid-connected system under Danish conditions. The project results will be disseminated to key market actors in Denmark and will go into the IEA PVPS work

The project collected key data for typical Danish, grid-connected PV systems in operation and the data were analysed to identify Danish key design parameters and compare these with similar experience gained outside Denmark. Finally, recommendations were prepared for use of such parameters for optimum design of Danish grid-connected PV systems. The aim is to ensure better total economy for future grid-connected PV systems in Denmark. In June 2009, public consultation was conducted at the Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup. The project report can be downloaded free of charge from: www.solenergi.dk. (Energy 10)

Key figures

2007 - 2009
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.10 mio. DKK
0.87 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
90 %
Project budget:
0.97 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Optimering af design af nettilsluttede solcelleanlæg under danske forhold (PV-OPT)
Case no.


PA Energy A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Ahm, Peter
Comtact information
PA Energy A/S
Snovdrupvej 16
DK-8340 Malling, Danmark
Ahm, Peter , 86933333, ahm@paenergy.dk
Øvr. Partnere: EnergiMidt A/S; Teknologisk Institut