Wind power academy

The preliminary study - in part based on a SWOT analysis - includes a recommendation for a strategy aimed at establishing a Wind Power Academy with three main elements: A. Establishing a regional technology centre for wind power operations. B. Initiating continuous efforts to anchor project activities related to ocean-based wind turbines at the Wind Power Academy. C. Opening a wind power/renewable energy sources 'experience centre' for the public.


This project, as a preliminary study using a qualitative approach, analysed the potential for implementing the vision behind a 'Wind Power Academy' on Lolland. Developed through collaboration among interested parties within the wind power sector, the vision was formed in conjunction with Energy E2's decision to establish a test site for large wind turbines near Kappel in Rudbjerg Kommune. The vision includes a series of possibilities related to wind power development on Lolland. These possibilities have been further analysed in the preliminary study. The preliminary study - in part based on a SWOT analysis - includes a recommendation for a strategy aimed at establishing a Wind Power Academy with three main elements: A. Establishing a regional technology centre for wind power operations. B. Initiating continuous efforts to anchor project activities related to ocean-based wind turbines at the Wind Power Academy. C. Opening a wind power/renewable energy sources 'experience centre' for the public. This strategy suggests a technology centre for wind power operation as the core activity for the 'Wind Power Academy', providing: 1) Network for the parties interested in wind turbine operations. 2) Development centre, work place and meeting place. 3) Conditions for educational activities aimed at operation personnel. 4) Framework for establishing collaboration and execution of project activities. The recommendation includes beginning with a small staff on location during a well-defined four-year trial period

Key figures

2006 - 2006
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.00 mio. DKK
0.60 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
100 %
Project budget:
0.60 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Wind power academy
Case no.


Larsen, Tom
Comtact information
Lolland Kommune
Jernbanegade 7
DK-4930 Maribo, Denmark
Larsen, Tom , 54676767,
Øvr. Partnere: Erhvervsråd Lolland Falster; DONG Energy A/S; Forskningscenter Risø; Carl Bro A/S; Invest in Denmark; Center for Underleverandører; Vindmølleindustrien; HIH-vind, FORCE Technology