Demonstration of hydrogen society in Nakskov

The demonstration plant includes the following elements: Container buildings for control and monitoring as well as housing of the process equipment. Two fully automated PEM-CHP fuel cell units of 2 kW and 7.5 kW. Two PEM-electrolysers for hydrogen and oxygen production for use in fuel cells and stimulation of aerobe processes in a waste water treatment system. Low pressure storage steel tanks for oxygen and hydrogen. Gas distribution grid for transporting oxygen and hydrogen from the electrolysers to the storage tanks and back to the fuel cells.

Project description

Through realization of selected demonstration projects, the purposes of this project are to: 1) Further develop various hydrogen technologies comprising electrolyser, Fuel cell CHP systems, low pressure storage of Hydrogen and Oxygen, and the usage of these; both individually and as systems. 2) Create technological foundation and knowledge for the continuation of IRD's Utsira project (Eltra projekt no. 5449) to a far greater extent. 3) Utilize existing resources on Lolland (wind turbines etc) in the development of new synergies and symbioses with existing energy and environmental installations. 4) Demystify the technology towards future consumers. 5) Generate spin-off potentials to the benefit of overall business development. 6) Establish a forum for manufacturers and suppliers, where frame conditions ensure fast and efficient authority consideration as an element in maintaining Denmark's technological lead. 7) Create the optimum basis for the full-scale realization of the 'Hydrogen Society'


The purposes of this project are to: Further explore various hydrogen technologies comprising PEM-electrolysers, PEM Fuel Cell systems, low pressure storage of Hydrogen and Oxygen, and the implementation of these technologies; both individually and as systems. Create technological foundation and knowledge for the continuation of IRD's Utsira project (Eltra project no. 5449). Utilize existing resources on Lolland (wind turbines etc) in the development of new synergies and symbiosis with existing energy and environmental installations. Demystify the technology towards future consumers. Generate spin-off potentials for the benefit of overall business development. Establish a forum for manufacturers, suppliers and testing facilities where frame conditions ensure fast and efficient authority consideration as an element in maintaining Denmark's technological lead. Create the optimum basis for the full-scale realization of the Hydrogen Community. The project has established a demonstration of the Hydrogen Community in Nakskov. The demonstration faci-lity is located at the entrance to Nakskov Genbrugsplads which has a lot of visitors. At this location information boards help visitors get acquainted with the technology and the function of the plant. It is likely that the majority of the citizens of West Lolland has visited the demonstration plant. The demonstration plant includes the following elements: Container buildings for control and monitoring as well as housing of the process equipment. The containers are fully equipped with electricity, water and water treatment systems, drains, ventilation, cooling and heating systems and extensive safety systems. Two fully automated PEM-CHP fuel cell units of 2 kW and 7.5 kW. Two PEM-electrolysers for hydrogen and oxygen production for use in fuel cells and stimulation of aerobe processes in a waste water treatment system. Low pressure storage steel tanks for oxygen and hydrogen. Gas distribution grid for transporting oxygen and hydrogen from the electrolysers to the storage tanks and back to the fuel cells. Official Authority approvals of the total demonstration facility comprising municipal building permissi-on, Approval of zone clasification and storage of hydrogen and oxygen, by the Lolland fire chief, February 1st 2007. Environmental evaluation and Environmental Impact assesment screening of the project performed by the regional county (Storstrøms Amt), November 13th 2006. Project approval of hydrogen production and fuel cell plant by the Danish Safety Technology Authority, May 2nd 2007. Apart from building the actual demonstration facility, there has been information activities about the project and the demonstration facility such as daily press articles, conferences, conference contributions and informa-tion for the citizens. etc. Two conferences focusing and highlighting the demonstration plant have been held on Lolland. Conference held November 17th 2006 specially focused towards local and regional interests. Approximately 70 people participated at the conference. Conference Renewables and Realities held May 20-21th 2007. An international conference with both local, EU and US participants. Bass and IRD have participated in various conferences where the project has been presented orally (speeches) and visually (posters). Renew Europe, European Symposium on Technological Developments in Renewable Energy, held in Hamburg March 2007. Best Practices of RES Application on Islands, held August 2007 in Greece. 10th Grove Fuel Cell Symposium, held in London September 2007. Generally the project has progressed as expected according to the time schedule except for delays relating to late delivery and additional work in relation to the installation and integration of the electrolysers in the container. This however, has not led to the project not being able to live up to its targets or timely completion.

Key figures

2006 - 2007
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
7.90 mio. DKK
3.64 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
32 %
Project budget:
11.54 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Demonstratorium - Brintsamfundet i Nakskov
Brint and fuelcells
Case no.


IRD Fuel Cells A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Nakskov Kommune, Nakskov (DK)


Christensen, Leo
Comtact information

Øvr. Partnere: Naksov Kommune