Precision management of biogas plant

Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet

The opbejctive of the project has been to improve design and process stability in biogas plants. The results can be divided within the following main categories: 1) Pre-treatment, serial coupling of digesters and post digestion; 2) Process inhibition; 3) Process control

Project description

Objective: The intention of this project is to develop design and management of the biogas process with the intention of optimising biogas production and ensure a stabile production at full scale. The development will therefore be carried on at pilot scale and at full scale, thereby, ensuring that scaling will not be a problem when disseminating the results to end-users. In the project pre treatment and post treatment technologies will be included with focus on producing maximal amounts of biogas. Programme: At Research Centre Bygholm four pilot scale biogas reactors is build. These reactors can be run at a high precision and with great flexibility. From 2005 till 2006 full scale biogas reactors is build at Research Centre Foulum, these reactors are to be used for research and development. In phase one of the project experiments at Bygholm will contribute with process control tools and measuring systems and in phase 2 a series of experiments will be carried out for the development of better design and process control of biogas plants.. The results from phase 2 will also contribute to improved systems for controlling the biogas process. Status: Researchers at DJF-Bygholm have build 4 reactors, which is being run in. These reactors will be used at the start of phase one in August 2005. At DJF Foulum the construction of the biogas plant has been started and the reactors will be run in and in use August 2006. Resultatanvendelse: The results of the project will be disseminated at demonstrations at Foulum and Bygholm and will used to for the development of improved design and process control of new biogas plants


The opbejctive of the project has been to improve design and process stability in biogas plants. The results can be divided within the following main categories: 1) Pre-treatment, serial coupling of digesters and post digestion; 2) Process inhibition; 3) Process control

Key figures

2005 - 2009
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.88 mio. DKK
1.96 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
69 %
Project budget:
2.84 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Præcisionsstyring af biogasprocessen
Bio and waste
Case no.


Aarhus Universitet (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Syddansk Universitet


Møller, Henrik B.
Comtact information
Aarhus Universitet. Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet
Blichers Allé 20
DK-8830 Tjele
Møller, Henrik B. , 89991900,
Øvr. Partnere: Syddansk Universitet