Photovoltaics, the effect of deployment on cost reduction, and the need and consequences of operational objectives

In accordance with the Danish national PV Strategy an investigation has been carried out to: 1) elucidate the connection - if any - between deployment of and prices for PV technology; 2) analyze the possibilities for quantification of development objectives for PV in Denmark in the medium term including a transfer of the EU objective of 1 % electricity from PV in 2010.

Project description

In compliance with the Danish national PV strategy (point I, analysis re. deployment) and with the energy-political agreement of March 29 2004 mention of the deployment of photovoltaics, a coordinated investigation and analysis is undertaken including: 1) Investigation of the possible interrelation between the deployment of photovoltaics and system cost both on a national and international level 2) Analysis of the possibilities for quantification of R and D targets, including estimation of the consequences of a Danish compliance with the EU target of 1% of electricity consumption produced by PVs by 2010, and in the long term if PVs by 2020 constitute a significant element in the Danish electricity supply. The estimation of consequences shall include impact on environment, security of supply and economy including growth potential for Danish industry


Detailed analysis of consequences have been included. The international and national development in the field of PV technology have been investigated and described. Via learning curve analysis and analysis of available technico/economic data e.g. from the IEA, connections between volume and price has been established and described. The EU target has been transferred to Denmark but with unrealistic results. Based on the connections established a number of scenarios for PV deployment in Denmark up to 2016 have been developed and analyzed in detail as to consequences. A realistic target in 2016 of 75 MW installed capacity has been developed and analyzed as to consequences. Project results have been presented and discussed at the political level at a public meeting/hearing on September 28, 2006. A report (in Danish) describing the project activities and results in detail including the outcome of the public meeting has been compiled and distributed in Denmark. The report can be downloaded from:

Key figures

2005 - 2005
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.04 mio. DKK
0.47 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
93 %
Project budget:
0.51 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Solceller, betydningen af udbredelse til reduktion af pris og behov og konsekvenser for operationelle mål
Case no.


PA Energy A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
Eniig a.m.b.a.
Dansk Industri


Ahm, Peter
Comtact information
PA Energy A/S
Snovdrupvej 16
DK-8340 Malling, Denmark
Ahm, Peter , 86933333, paenergy@paenergy
Øvr. Partnere: Forskningscenter Risø, Afd. for Systemanalyse; EnergiMidt A/S; Dansk Industri