Highly insulating glazing in multi-storey buildings, measurements and evaluation, Phase 2

Future highly insulating types of glazing introduce new perspectives for the use of glass in the architectural design of energy-efficient buildings. The project demonstrates how new types of glazing and glass facades can be incorporated in multi-storey buildings.

Project description

Highly insulating glazing of the future open up new prospects of using glass in architecture in design of energy efficient building. This project will show how the new glazing and glass facades can be fitted into multi-storey buildings and how to achieve new expressions of facades, spaces and lighting effects by using highly insulating glazing and at the same time correspond to the requirements expected in the future Danish Building Regulations. The purpose of the project is to establish the facts of low-energy consumption and good indoor climate conditions in the highly insulated multi-storeyed building in Bogholder Allé, Vanløse. The multi-storeyed building is designed by Boje Lundgaard and Lene Tranberg. It is a five-storied building containing 24 dwellings with the south facade designed as a multi-opening facade system with multi-folding doors with low-energy glazing. Measurement will show whether or not the building fulfil the expectations. The building will be occupied during the measuring. Complementary to the measurements there will be questionnaires and interviews with the inhabitants as to how they use the building, their opinion of its qualities and their experiences from the first 6 months occupancy. The project will be concluded by articles in relevant Danish and foreign magazines


It also demonstrates how to achieve new facade expressions as well as spatial and lighting effects by using highly insulating glass facades while at the same time meeting energy requirements as stated in the Danish Building Regulations (BR). The aim of the project was to demonstrate the expected energy consumption and good indoor climate of a multi-storey building situated in a Copenhagen suburb. The building has 5 storeys with a total of 24 dwellings and a south facade with a multi-openable facade system consisting of folding doors with low-energy glazing. As described in By og Byg Results 030 'Openable glass facades in new multi-storey building' (2003) the energy consumption is expected to be somewhat lower than stated in the current Building Regula-tions. This is close to the requirements in the BR 2008 and at the same time achieves good architecture, good daylight conditions and a good indoor climate during winter without undesired heat during summer. Measurements were carried out from January 2005 until July 2006 in 6 apartments of 24 and while the building was occupied. The measurements include 1) registrations of the consumption of electricity, heating and water; 2) registrations of indoor temperatures and relative humidity rates; 3) measurements of air change rates during autumn and winter; 4) registrations of luminance conditions; and 5) measurement of U-values. The measurements are supplemented with questionnaires and interviews with the occupants concerning their use of the building, their perception of its qualities and their experience of their first months of occupancy. The average indoor temperatures were around 23-24 °C, but high temperatures occurred. The air change rates were measured and were in the range of 0.6-1.1 h-1. In general the occupants were satisfied with the indoor climate, though it was necessary to use shading not only against the sun, but also to prevent people from looking into the apartments. The energy consumption for heating, ventilation and domestic hot water was measured and calculated to 79.4 kWh/m2. This corresponded to 102 % of the existing energy frame in the Danish Building Regulations. If the building should be constructed today, it would be necessary to reduce the amount of energy to 77.6 kWh/m2 and this could be done in the form of e.g. external solar shadings such as Venetian blinds and awnings. The measurement programme is the second and last phase of the project and a continuation of the first phase funded via EFP 2001, a Danish governmental energy research programme.

Key figures

2004 - 2007
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.41 mio. DKK
0.66 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
62 %
Project budget:
1.07 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Højisolerede glaspartier i etageboliger, målinger og evaluering, fase 2
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Boje Lundgaard og Lene Tranbergs Tegnestue A/S
Fællesadministrationen 3B


Engelund Thomsen, Kirsten
Comtact information
Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut. Energi og Miljø
Dr. Neergaards Vej 15
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Engelund Thomsen, Kirsten , 56855533, ket@sbi.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Boje Lundgaard og Lene Tranbergs Tegnestue A/S; Fællesadministrationen 3B