Registration of Danish energy literature and descriptions of energy research projects and cooperation with international information systems

Afdelingen for Informationsservice

The aim is to disseminate information about Danish energy research and development and its results both nationally and internationally. Furthermore, it is the aim to give Danish institutions, industry, and the public access to international energy research and its results. 

Project description

The aim is to make information about Danish energy research and its results available to users in Denmark and abroad and, through international cooperation, to make international research and its results available to Danish research organisations and industry. The aim is obtained through cooperation with international and national databases, primarily ETDEWEB (results in the form of publications), Nordic Energy Index (descriptions of research and development projects) and the Danish Research Database. Literature: Registration of Danish energy literature is related to the Danish Energy Agency's membership of the Implementing Agreement for the Establishment of the IEA Energy Technology Data Exchange (IEA-ETDE). The product of this agreement is Energy Database - named ETDEWEB as the internet version ( The membership of the agreeement obliges to deliver information to the database about the member country's own publications. All types of scientific and technical literature, including reports from the Energy Research Programme, journal articles and conference papers, are collected and registered according to ETDE's rules. The records are sent to ETDE's database regularly. Many reports are sent to the database in full text for direct download from ETDEWEB. All reports are available for loan from Risø Library. R and D projects: Descriptions of new ERP projects (granted under the Energy Research Programme) are registered from a form filled out by the project leaders when receiving the grant. When a project is completed, the existing record is updated with summaries of the result and with brief information about the publications from the project. The project descriptions are included in the databases Nordic Energy Index ( and the Danish Research Database (, both being available for free for Danish as well as international users. Knowledge Center: Due to the tasks that Risø performs under this project, Risø acts as the Danish knowledge center for Danish energy R and D and offers advice on the use of energy databases such as ETDEWEB and Nordic Energy Index


The aim is obtained through co-operating with international and national databases, primarily ETDEWEB (results in the form of literature), Nordic Energy Index (descriptions of R and D projects), and the Danish National Research Database. Literature: Registration of Danish energy literature is related to the Danish Energy Authority's membership of the Implementing Agreement for the Establishment of the IEA Energy Technology Data Exchange (IEA-ETDE). The product of this agreement is the Energy Database - called ETDEWEB as the internet version ( In 2003 data on 565 publications have been registered for ETDEWEB and the database of Risø Library. The registrations of reports from the Danish Energy Research Programme (ERP) have been used for listings of new reports in the newsletter EnergiNyt. R and D projects: Registration of descriptions of new projects from ERP and from PSO (Public Service Obligation). When a project is completed the existing data for a project is updated with abstracts from the reporting form (ERP projects), with brief information about publications, and the project status is changed from ongoing to completed. In 2003 74 new projects were registered - 23 ERP projects, 40 PSO projects, and 11 projects from the for renewable energy (old projects that were missing). Updating was done for 121 existing project descriptions. All project descriptions are available in Nordic Energy Index and in the Danish National Research Database. A catalogue of the projects from the ERP-2002 programme was prepared as a pdf-document for the web site of the Danish Energy Authority

Key figures

2003 - 2003
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.35 mio. DKK
0.49 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
58 %
Project budget:
0.84 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Registrering af dansk energilitteratur og danske energiforskningsprojekter og samarbejde med internationale informationssystemer
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Nissen, Line
Comtact information
Forskningscenter Risø. Afdelingen for Informationsservice
Postboks 49
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Nissen, Line (bibl.), 46774010,
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