Optimised window systems in buildings. 2. phase

The object was to contribute to an international development of methods for a joint evaluation and optimization of the thermal and solar properties of windows. The project was a basis for Danish participation in IEA Task 27 in 2003-2004.

Project description

Windows have a large impact on the building energy savings, as well for existing buildings as for new/future buildings. The objective of the project is to further develop energy performance assessment methodology for windows. Such a methodology will facilitate selection of components and enable performance comparison to be made. Particular emphasis will be given to the assembly and integration of high performance, novel and/or complex solar components into functional building envelope elements. Those assemblies may incorporate highly insulating glazing/frames, anti-reflecting glazings, solar shading devices and other daylight components. The project include assessment of the durability and reliability (fitness for use) of selected window systems (e.g. highly insulating frames, glazing units.)


Activity: Compare to Task 27: A1 Energy performance method; A3 Energy characterization; B1 Durability method; B3 Durability - materials; C2 Risk FMEA; C3 Durability - components. The sub-projects A1 and A3 were closed through elucidations, meeting participation, correspondence and drawing up of contribution to Dissemination Workshop in Freiburg, October 2003. Sub-projects B1, B3 and C2 were closed through laboratory investigations and submission on contributions and results to the project leaders concerned. The activities inprojects B3, C2 and C3 continued without DTU's participatuin through a two-year prolongation of Task 27 (2004-2006) under a joint project BC. The contribution to the project 'Optimale vinduessystemer. 2. fase' (Optimum window systems. 2nd phase) has mostly been connected with project C3. Collaboration between BYG.DTU and Danish Technological Institute in Aarhus contributed with results from accelerated tests of durability of large double-glazed windows in the spring 2004

Key figures

2002 - 2006
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.71 mio. DKK
0.50 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
41 %
Project budget:
1.21 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Optimale vinduessystemer 2. fase (IEA Task 27 deltagelse)
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut


Svendsen, Svend
Comtact information
Brovej - bygning 118
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Svendsen, Svend , 45251700, byg@byg.dtu.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Teknologisk Institut; Velux A/S