Build better dwellings - Optimisation of energy in new building with floor heating systems

Based on the measured consumption's it cannot be concluded that floor-heating systems are less energy economic than combined radiator heating/floor heating systems.

Project description

The aim of the project is to clarify the energy- and inhabitant-related consequences of utilisation of floor heating systems compared to utilisation of radiator panel heating in newer densely-built low-rise dwellings and single-family houses. The results will assist in the development of low-energy buildings and will provide a significant contribution to the coming revision of the Danish Building Regulations. It was expected that buildings with floor heating systems would have a lower energy consumption than buildings with radiator panel heating. But recent investigations have shown a significantly higher energy consumption in houses with floor heating (30 - 40 %) compared to slightly older buildings heated by radiator panels. Energy calculations for typical houses and heating systems, with varying positions and sizes of the individual rooms, are carried out. The influence of heat loss from the bathrooms to other rooms and the environment is investigated. Proposals for energy-related improvements in new houses are made taking the utility value into consideration. By improving energy utilisation, it is expected that the energy consumption can be reduced by 10 - 20 % without reducing the thermal comfort


The aim of the project has been to clarify the energy- and residents related consequences using floor heating systems compared with using radiator panel heating in newer densely built low rise dwellings. The survey encompasses 171 single-family houses constructed in the period 1997-2000 distributed among 5 built-up areas with floor heating, radiator heating or a combination of there. In the built-up areas the degreeday corrected net energy consumption is estimated to be between 82 and 114 kWh/m2. Based on the measured consumption's it cannot be concluded that floor-heating systems are less energy economic than combined radiator heating/floor heating systems. Compared with a previous survey carried out in year 2000 in houses with floor heating, the present survey shows a 62 % lower energy consumption, there is every indication that it is possible to build houses with floor heating in a sensible way. In the survey thermographic measurements, measurements of temperatures and air change rates, a questionnaire investigation, a sensitivity study has been carried out and a number of proposals for additional energy savings are suggested. Measurements show temperatures in the living room of about 22 deg. C and temperatures in sleeping rooms of typical 19 deg. C, where the temperatures in calculations normally are assumed to be 20 deg. C. The measured air change rates are typically larger than 0,5 h-1, which is the normal indicator in calculations of the heat loss. A larger heat loss than normally assumed must therefore be expected. The survey shows that it is beneficial to insulate the installations additionally with regard to the thermal comfort as well as due to the energy related conditions. If the temperatures in the bathrooms are kept at a high level during the summer time there is a risk for significantly increased energy consumption. A number of ideas on how it will be possible for both the industries, the designers, the entrepreneurs and the consumers to reduce the energy consumption are suggested. The ideas comprises both floor heating pipes, regulation, floor coverings, partition walls, placement of rooms in the building, ventilation, solar shading devices and alternative heating systems

Key figures

2001 - 2004
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.45 mio. DKK
0.83 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
65 %
Project budget:
1.28 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Byg boligerne bedre - energimæssig optimering af nye boliger med gulvvarme
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danrad, Jyllinge (DK)
Thermisol A/S
Dansk Leca A/S


Lars Olsen
Comtact information

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