Streamline based compositional reservoir simulation

Institut for Kemiteknik

Streamline-based simulation is an innovative reservoir simulation method in comparison with conventional finite difference reservoir simulation methods. The major difference lies in the fact that the streamline simulation decouples the three-dimensional flow problem into a set of one-dimensional problems solved along streamlines, which greatly reduces simulation time and suppresses numerical dispersion.

Project description

This project has the goal to provide better understanding of the mechanism governing oil recovery efficiency under gas injection. Gas injection is know, under favourable conditions to be a method providing substantial additional oil recovery. However, there is a certain gap between the detailed geological description that lies in background of the projecting and implementation of the gas injection process and the developed streamline-based numerical simulators presently available for reservoir engineers. This gap finally results in loss of important information which could be used for implementation of a gas injection project or prediction of its results. Recent impressive achievements on development of the analytical methods for description of multicomponent flows and phase equilibria in porous media have made it possible to reduce this gap. The proposed project aims at further development of the analytical methods for multicomponent flows, and of combining them with the existing streamline techniques. The results of this combination are expected to provide a more detailed description of the flow phenomena which are important for a successful implementation of the gas injection. The project which is expected to be performed in cooperation with a research group from Stanford University, U. S. A., will finally provide a revolutionary tool for evaluation of the production strategies applied for enhanved oil recovery


The streamline-based simulations are generally orders of magnitude faster than the simulation based on the conventional methods. The advantages of the streamline method have boosted its wide application and fast commercialization. Commercial streamline simulators like 3DSL and Frontsim are available but neither of them has included compositional effects and capillary effects. Compositional effects are indispensable for simulations like gas injection or water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection where components exchange between phases is active. And capillary effects are of key importance to waterflooding simulations in low permeable reservoir typical of the Danish sector of North Sea. This is the background for the three-year project 'Compositional Streamline Simulation'. In this project, IVC-SEP has aimed at extending streamline simulation methods to more applicable situations by introducing more physics into the 3DSL simulator provided by SUPRI-C group at Stanford University, whom we are in cooperation with. Two main objectives in the project are to introduce capillary effects, which are of key importance to water flooding in low permeable reservoir, and to develop two-phase/three-phase compositional streamline simulators. Corresponding to the above two objectives, two versions of 3DSL streamline simulator have been developed: 1) 3DSL black oil version which can be used for simulating incompressible, immiscible two component displacement, e.g. water flooding. Capillary and gravity effects have been fully introduced into the 3DSL simulator by using an operator splitting method. The simulation results obtained by the modified 3DSL simulator support our physical intuition for a variety of capillary and/or gravity dominant water displacements on permeability fields of different complexity and are also in satisfactory agreement with Eclipse 100. By application of a new criterion on time step selection, the number of pressure solves in 3DSL can be much fewer than Eclipse 100. 2) 3DSL compositional version which can be used for simulating two-phase/three-phase compositional displacement. This version has been developed by integrating an efficient 1-D compositional solver into the original 3DSL simulator. An optimized flash algorithm with stability analysis has been adopted in the new simulator to make the most time consuming flash calculation step more efficient and more reliable. For three-phase simulations, different equilibrium descriptions of hydrocarbon-water equilibrium are available to provide flexible choices. The developed compositional 3DSL simulator is capable of simulating both two-phase and three-phase gas injections, including WAG process. It has been proven that the compositional streamline simulator is orders of magnitude faster than its finite difference counterpart Eclipse 300. And the speedup factor increases with the size of simulation. The gravity effect has also been included in the simulator

Key figures

2001 - 2003
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.19 mio. DKK
2.85 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
70 %
Project budget:
4.05 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Strømningsliniebaseret kompositionel simulering
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Mærsk Olie og Gas AS
Ørsted A/S
Chevron, San Ramon, CA (US)


Stenby, Erling H.
Comtact information
KT - Institut for Kemiteknik (DTU)
Bygning 229
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Stenby, Erling H. , 45252875,
Øvr. Partnere: Stanford University (US)