Development, optimization and planning of new building envelope structures made of concrete elements, which demonstrate appliance with heat insulation requirements in Building Regulations 2005

New solutions have been developed for buildings with concrete panels without ribs at window reveals and at horizontal joints, corresponding to concrete panels with an unbroken insulation layer and limited thermal bridge effect.

Project description

The main goal of the project is to strengthen the continued development and usage of the new types of concrete elements that were proposed in the project 'Concrete elements with better insulation and less thermal bridge effect'. They are obvious means to comply with the coming heat demands in the Building Regulations of 2005. There is a need for additional documentation regarding both the fulfillment of all functional demands and that the elements give an economic advantage compared to the present typical solutions. The project deals with the following three element types, which constitute a great part of the market for concrete elements. 1. One storey high concrete sandwich panels (office, institutional and residential buildings). 2. One storey high concrete elements with rain screens consisting of non-concrete material (brick, wood, glass, metal). 3. Industrial elements in the shape of high sandwich panels with load-bearing ribs. The joints between elements and their connection to windows need to be further developed before good solutions can be determined. Apart from this the project is carried out by developing and constructing integrated standard solutions of which the functions will be documented in laboratory tests. Furthermore the insulation thickness will be optimized corresponding to different economic scenarios. Finally detailed price calculations will be performed on façade sections to illustrate the economic advantages compared to traditional solutions. The close collaboration with trade organizations regarding concrete elements and windows ensures that the project results are passed through directly to the manufacturers of concrete elements and windows, and this secures that the results will be used in the build environment


New general solutions for the mounting of windows have been developed together with tight covering solutions at the window reveal based upon added window board and a separate vapor barrier. At the same time detailed calculations of the heat loss effects at the window-wall joint and foundation have been carried out and new solutions that reduce the heat loss substantially have also been shown. The new developed standard solutions are obvious means to meet the expected future energy demands in the new Building Regulations expected in 2005. The project has revealed that it is possible to obtain significant thermal improvements with only a minor increase in the insulation thickness. The new and, in many ways, better solutions will mean added costs regarding mounting of windows, stronger fittings etc. but the effect of a standardization of the window-placement could reduce those additional costs considerably. The total life cycle costs regarding these new types of concrete panels are economically reasonable

Key figures

2001 - 2003
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.40 mio. DKK
0.80 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
67 %
Project budget:
1.20 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Udvikling, optimering og projektering af nye typer klimaskærmskonstruktioner af betonelementer, der demonstrerer opfyldelse af energikrav i Bygningsrelement 2005
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing


Svendsen, Svend
Comtact information
Brovej, Bygning 1118
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Svendsen, Svend , 45251854,
Øvr. Partnere: BMF-SIMPSON; Primo Danmark; H+H Fiboment; Velfac; Danton Betonelementer; Betonelement-Foreningen; Spæncom A/S; H.S. Hansen A/S