Participation in European network PyNe about pyrolysis and related technologies for thermal conversion of biomass

The PyNe Network started a new 3-year period the 28. of February 1998 with a constituting meeting in Salzburg.

Project description

The co-ordinator is Dr. Tony Bridgwater from the University of Aston. The network has representatives from 19 countries in Europe (15) and America (4). There has been arranged 6 meetings in the period. Each country representative was assigned different tasks. Danish Technological Institute was assigned preparation of reports from selected working groups. The network has 5 Subject groups among which 2 are selected at the half-yearly meetings. The subject groups and the goals are: Analysis, Characterisation and Test methods: Successful utilisation of bio-oil requires that its properties is appropriately measured and that the quality and consistency are defined. A review of test methods and quality criteria with identify where further work is required and small work programme may be established to derive new teat methods. Environment, Health and Safety: Procedures of bio-oil require reassurance and guidelines on its handling and utilisation. Selected issues will be addressed through review, consultation with experts and where appropriate commissioning of new information. Implementation: Opportunities and problems indluencing the sucessful commercialisation of fast pyrolysis and its applications for bio-oil will be reviewed and recommendations made to improve the rate and success of commercialisation. Science and Fundamentals: Science and fundamentals are essential of successful process development, which improve the understanding of the underlying basic phenomena and hence permit process optimisation, information and views on ongoing work will be maintained and recommendations made for more co-ordinated and interactive programme to resolve the major understanding. Stabilisation and Upgrading: Bio-oil exhibits some peculiar properties that may restrict its more widespread use. There is a range of possible methods to improve the properties of the bio-oil and these will be monitored and reviewed with recommendation to for a RD and D programme. The work-reports from the meetings are published in the half yearly PyNy Newsletter, which is distributed in 19 contributing countries. In Denmark are 250 copies distributed to interested persons in industry, institutions, press and the Danish Ministry of Energy

Key figures

1998 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.07 mio. DKK
0.18 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
71 %
Project budget:
0.25 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Deltagelse i europæisk netværk PyNe, der arbejder med pyrolyse og beslægtede teknologier for termisk omdannelse af biomasse
Bio and waste
Project type
Internationalt - ikke IEA
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Pedersen, Karsten
Comtact information
Teknologisk Institut
DK-8000 Århus C, Denmark
Pedersen, Karsten
Øvr. Partnere: Aston Universitet (GB); Johanneum Research (AT); Universite Catholique de Louvan (BE); RTI (CA); VTT (FI); Cirad Foret (FR); BRF-Institute for Wood Chemistry (DE); C.R.E.S. (GR); Trinity College (IE); Universita degli Stuti de Napoli (IT); BTG (NL); Sintef (NO); INETI-ITE-DDTC (PT); Universidad de Zaragozza (ES); TPS (SE); NREL (US)