Examination of deposits caused by light tar

Institut for Kemiteknik

Light tar is a significant contaminant in gas thermally produced from biomass using updraft gasifiers. This tar represents a server risk with respect to formation of deposits within the gas-driven engines.

Project description

The aim of the project is to identify critical constituents for formation of the carbonaceous deposits, to characterise the deposits by a variety of physical and chemical techniques, and by direct motor tests to establish a correlation between gas quality and operating characteristics. The chemical experiments will be performed using a continuous flow system in the temperature range 600-850 deg. C. It is expected that the relative rates for formation of carbonaceous deposits from individual compounds as well as authentic light tar can be established. The deposits will be characterised in detail by GC/MS, PY/GC/MS, TGA, FTIR, ESC, SEM and AFM. Direct motor tests will be made with fuels closely mimicking the gas produced by updraft gasifiers and added critical constituents. The formation of desposits will be evaluated and compared to the operating experinece gained at Harboøre plant. In addition, special emphasis will be paid to the emissions of aromatic hydrocarbons, which may specifically relate the tar constituents of the fuel

Key figures

2000 - 2001
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.02 mio. DKK
1.04 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
98 %
Project budget:
1.07 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Undersøgelse af belægningsdannelse forårsaget af let tjære
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Henriksen, Ulrik; Projektleder: Qvale, Bjørn
Comtact information
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Institut for Energiteknik
Niels Koppels Alle, Bygning 403
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Henriksen, Ulrik (forskningslektor); Projektleder: Qvale, Bjørn (professor), 45254172, uh@et.dtu.dk
Øvr. Partnere: