Arkito. Architectural form and the stack effect - natural ventilation in housing

The result of this multidisciplinary research project is the book Housing and Natural Ventilation.

Project description

The aim of the project is to develop prototypical naturally ventilated housing where architectural form and spatial disposition promote the stack effect, so that form and function become integrated and the architectural quality is improved. Theoretical and practical investigations show that natural ventilation has energy-saving and environmental advantages, and can achieve a satisfactory air change rate and indoor climate. However, a house's spatial disposition and the design of the ventilation openings have a critical influence on the exploitation of the natural forces, including the stack effect, taht drive ventilation. The project therefore has the following phases: 1) Collection and analysis of existing knowledge in relevant areas. 2) Development and architectural design of prototypical houses: 2.1 Architectural and engineering design of typical apartments, terraced houses and detached houses. The design will focus on the development of architectural solutions where the housing's form and spatial disposition in plan and section promote natural ventilation by the stack effect. 2.2 Design of ventilation opening. A study of the design of ventilation openings to assess comfort and indoor climatic aspects and to help the development of the prototypical housing designs. 3) Dissemination of the project results to a wide group of actors involved in the house and construction sectors


The aim of this book is to show how natural ventilation can be used in housing successfully. Housing ventilation aims at balancing complex and often diametrically opposed demands, so this book consists of four chapters, each which examines this complexity with different quantitative and qualitative approaches. History: The book's first chapter, History, examines Danish housing ventilation from 1850 to 2002. The requirements for natural ventilation have developed historically, based upon a spatial organisation with fresh air supply to the less polluted rooms and stack effect removal from the more polluted rooms. A series of important factors relating to a healthy indoor climate, energy savings and demands for functional stability have affected this development. Models: The book's second chapter, Models, analyses a series of architectural models for naturally ventilated large building types. There has for many years been much R&D activity aimed at using natural ventilation in these buildings. Much of the knowledge about the requirements for natural ventilation (spatial organisation, fresh air supply and stack effect removal) can therefore be used in the development of naturally ventilated housing. Principles: The book's third chapter, Principles, develops a set of principles for naturally ventilated housing by examining the requirements relating to spatial organisation, fresh air supply, and stack effect removal. By optimizing the architectural and technical design of a typical terraced house, the three aims for the successful use of natural ventilation in housing can be achieved; a very low energy consumption and environmental impact, a healthy indoor climate and a functionally stable ventilation system. Houses: The book's fourth chapter, Houses, presents architectural designs for a series of naturally ventilated terraced houses based on the previous chapters' results. The designs focus on the use of spatial organisation, fresh air supply and stack removal to optimize the natural ventilation. Architecture and technology are integrated in the design to achieve a low energy consumption, a healthy indoor climate and a functionally stable ventilation system

Key figures

2000 - 2003
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.04 mio. DKK
1.22 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
54 %
Project budget:
2.25 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Arkito. Arkitektonisk form og termisk opdrift - naturlig ventilation i boliger
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Aarhus Arkitektskole (Main Responsible)


Marsh, Rob
Comtact information
Arkitektskolen i Aarhus
Nørreport 20
DK-8000 Århus C, Denmark
Marsh, Rob (arkitekt, Ph.D.), 89360000,
Øvr. Partnere: Aalborg Universitet. Institut for Bygningsteknik; By og Byg (Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut); Bæk Simonsen og Aaris MAA ApS; Birch og Krogboe A/S; WindowMaster A/S