Lifestyle, behavior and energy use

Sociologisk Institut

The project is published as a ph.d. thesis. The thesis analyses the possible relationship between lifestyle and energy use. The concept of lifestyle has become a key word in understanding the impact of daily actions and decisions on energy use.


Even though the concept is widely used in energy studies the use is characterized by a lack of consensus. In order to provide an overwiew of the concept the introducing chapters in the thesis present different international and Danish energy studies. In general these studies have a superficial understanding of the concept of lifestyle. The use of the concept differs considerably and as a consequence there are differences in the analytical results and explanations. In general the concept is used more descriptively than analytically. The presentation and discussion of the use of the concept points at poblems at the conceptual level. The problems are adressed in a theoretical discussion of the possible content of the concept. The theoretical discussion confronts to contemporary, prevalent conceptualizations of lifestyle. In the first lifestyle is related to individualization. In the other it is used as an indication of belonging to a social group as a result of profound relations of power and domination. The latter understanding of lifestyle is used as an analytical tool in the analysis of the empirical material. This consists of qualitative interviews with families. The analysis points at some social mechanisms that lead to a never ending social need for new form of consumerism as these are used in a social symbolic fight over social identity and power. The relation between energy use and lifestyle is analyzed in relation to three fiels; housing, vacations and interior

Key figures

1998 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.00 mio. DKK
1.19 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
100 %
Project budget:
1.19 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Livstil, adværd og energiforbrug
Project type
Case no.


Københavns Universitet (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Gundelach, Peter
Comtact information
Københavns Universitet. Sociologisk Institut
Linnesgade 22
DK-1361 København K, Denmark
Gundelach, Peter
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