DK-SOFC b, long term SOFC

Afdelingen for Materialeforskning

The activities were: Development of improved components, analysis of durability, contacting, improving the methods, materials development, studies of mechanisms and of defect and structural chemistry.

Project description

The primary target of the danish solid oxide fuel cell program is to create a possibility for the establishment of a danish production of highly effective and environmentally friendly electric power generation plants. A strategy has been established for commercialisation of the technology, based on results obtained in preceeding projects and based on a considerable industrial interest. Continuation of previous projects is effected by two project elements. The first, supported by electric utilities, adresses problems associated with the demonstration of danish cell- and stacking technology. The other part, sponsored by the acceptance of the present EFP2000 proposal, maintains the long term development lines directed towards reduction of operation temperatures without the associated increase in internal resistance, directed towards an increase of the robustness ofcells and stacks and directed towards an understanding of relevant mechanisms. The buildup of a base of patents is another important aspect of the project


The project was carried out as a part of DK-SOFC 2000 - 20004. The DK-SOFC b line, of which the EFP 2000 project was the introduction, is targeted towards: 1) decrease of the operation temperature without increasing the area specific resistance, 2) increase of the robustness of the cell, 3) better understanding of mechanisms. The planned activities were: Development of improved components, analysis of durability, contacting, improving the methods, materials development, studies of mechanisms and of defect and structural chemistry. The work was carried out approximately as planned. Some significant results are: Deformable stubs for current collection and gas distribution were developed (patent pending). En number of durability experiments were performed followed by post mortein investigations. Based on this work a procedure for improvement of the cell durability was figured out, and the implementation of these means was started. The problem of poisoning'of cathodes by Cr-oxide vapours was analysed experimentally and theoretically. Possible methods to prevent the poisoning have been identified

Key figures

2000 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
3.59 mio. DKK
6.00 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
63 %
Project budget:
9.59 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
DK-SOFC b, langsigtet SOFC
Brint and fuelcells
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
IRD Fuel Cells A/S


Mogensen, Mogens
Comtact information
Forskningscenter Risø. Afdelingen for Materialeforskning
P.O. Box 49
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Bagger, Carsten (seniorforsker); Projektleder: Mogensen, Mogens (seniorforsker), 46775700,
Øvr. Partnere: Haldor Topsøe A/S; IRD A/S