Superconductors in the Danish energy sector 1999

The goal for the program is to determine the commercial and energy-savings advantages of using superconducting cables.

Project description

The goal of this project is to enable the use of high-temperature superconductors (HTS) in the Danish power grid, and to evaluate the commercial benefits and energy savings. A demonstration of one 30 m long, continuously produced high-power cable for medium voltage in 1999 will be based on the experiences from a 10 m long AC cable system built in 1998. There is focus on the electrical and thermal losses at the high currents that are required to make superconducting cables commercially interesting for medium-level power transmission (


The commercial advantages will be evaluated from the perspective of a long-term restructuring of the electrical supply system where the use of superconducting cables has been optimised. The program has created a strengthened danish research community within superconductivity. International networks of contacts and collaborations with Southwire Co and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in USA illustrate this. Based on the experience from 1998 of fabricating and testing a 10 m long, 2 kA functional cable, the technology was developed to continuously fabricate long lengths (30 m) in 1999. The conventional electrical insulation technology was adapted for use in a 36 kV HTS cable

Key figures

1999 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
10.63 mio. DKK
6.00 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
36 %
Project budget:
16.63 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
DK superledere i El-sektoren 1999
Project type
Case no.


Svarrer Hansen, Bo
Comtact information
NKT Cables A/S
NKT Alle 1
DK-2605 Brøndby, Denmark
Willen, Dag (NKT Research Center); Projektleder: Svarrer Hansen, Bo , 43482361,
Øvr. Partnere: NKT Research Center A/S; Nordic Superconductor Technologies A/S; Forskningscenter Risø, Afdelingen for Materialeforskning; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Institut for Elteknik; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Institut for Procesteknik; Elkraft; Københavns Belysningsvæsen; NESA A/S; DEFU; I/S Eltra