Full-scale test of natural and hybrid ventilation. Phase 1a

The objective of this project was to test the most promising new concept and control strategies for natural and hybrid ventialtion. The project has been carried out in connection with the extension of the University of Copenhagen (the Faculty of Arts), so far the largest complex of buildings connected to the new Ørestad.

Project description

The aim of this project is to coordinate, analyse and test new concepts for natural and hybrid ventilation. The analyses and test will be carried out in connection with the enlargement of Copenhagen University (faculty of Arts) at Amager. In this project analyses of concepts and regulation strategies will be carried out. Later, in a following phase, measurements on the ventilation systems are planned. The effect of using natural and hybrid ventilation is a reduction of the energy consumption for ventilation. It is estimated that more than 50% of the electricity used for ventilation can be saved


The new building comprises around 100,000 m2 in total, of which the largest section comprises ca. 41,000 m2. This is now under construction with the Directorate for Building (Ministry of Research) as Client. The natural and hyrid ventilation project is divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 concerns analysis and system modelling of concepts for natural and hybrid ventilation in the first section of the University. The implemented project concerns only Phase 1, and the analyses and system modelling were carried out simultaneously with the ordinary planning of the building. This has resulted in the buildings being established with comprehensive use of new principles for natural and hybrid ventilation (65% of the total floorage). Systems and control strategies for natural and hybrid ventilation of offices, classrooms, walks, group rooms etc. have been elaborated which will be used in the new building. Importance has been attached to use of thermal bouyancy and minimising of pressure drop in ventiation systems. Further, attention has been paid to optimal indoor climate and guarantee of sufficient ventilation under all circumstances. It has therefore been decided to supplement the natural ventilation with hybrid ventilation in a part of the building. Further, combinations with natural ventilation and heat recovery have been investigated. However, it was found that in the actual building it was not profitable to install heat recovery in the areas with natural ventilation. The project is carried out in a co-operation between architects and consulstants as well as Danish research and development institutions working with natural ventilation. The involved parties are COWI Consulting Engineers AS, KHRAS architects, the Danish Building Research Institute and the University of Aalborg with COWI as project manager for the EFP-project, whereas KHRAS architects is project manager for the construction project

Key figures

1999 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.24 mio. DKK
0.49 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
67 %
Project budget:
0.74 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Fuldskala afprøvning af naturlig og hybrid ventilation. Fase 1a
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


COWI A/S (Main Responsible)


Thorsøe, Gert M.
Comtact information

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