Gas-fired liquid heating for industrial processes

Several barriers to the application of tube burners for industrial liquid heating exist, such as uncertainty regarding safety of operation and principles of dimensioning. In addition, this heating method requires more space than heating by means of high-pressure hot water, steam or electric heat supply. On the other hand, tube burners are more environmentally friendly and economical.

Project description

The project aims to overcome these barriers. There are four project phases: Phase 1 (stationary flame) and Phase 2 (instationary flame). Investigation and description of various burner designs, materials and fields of application. Development of new type of burner with instationary flame and of a standard burner solution. Optimisation of burners regarding energy conversion, space requirements and emissions. For burners with stationary flame the project will investigate the possibility of recirculating part of the flue gas. Development of standard numerical and grapic calculation methods for calculation of tube dimensions, flame lenght, surface temperature, etc. For the solution with recirculation of the flue gas, curves showing e.g. surface temperature as a function of recirculated flue gas will be made. CFD calculations and laboratory tests will support the above work. Proposal for building the burner into existing installations will be prepared for new burner designs. Phase 3. The project will demonstrate reliability of operation, energy conversion, surface temperatures and emissions for a burner design installed at an industrial installation. Economic and environmental key figures for installation and operation will be found. Phase 4. A report and a number of articles will describe the work and the ensuing project results. Informative brochures will be worked out for each process type, each covering a single burner design/type with description of dimensioning method, proposal for installation curves/calculation expressions

Key figures

1999 - 2001
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.67 mio. DKK
1.60 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
49 %
Project budget:
3.27 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Gasfyret væskeopvarmning til industrielle processer
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.




Schmidt, Brian
Comtact information
Dansk Gasteknisk Center a/s. Afd. for Gasanvendelse
Dr. Neergaards Vej 5A
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Andersen, Michael ; Projektleder: Schmidt, Brian (ing.), 45169600,
Øvr. Partnere: Naturgas Midt-Nord I/S; Dansk Anodiserings Industri (DAI) ApS