Model for the analysis of CHP in an international perspective

The purpose of the Balmorel project is to develop a model for analyses of the power and CHP sectors in the Baltic Sea Region. The model is directed towards the analysis of relevant policy questions to the extent that they contain substantial international aspects.

Project description

The objective of the project is to develop a model of the energy sector in the Baltic Sea Region, with emphasis on the electricity and combined heat and power sectors. It will cover the countries bordering the Baltic Sea, and will incorporate dynamic aspects of energy, environment and economy, including aspects of energy consumption and savings. Model analyses will incorporate environmental aspects and relevant instruments, e.g. taxes and tariffs. The model aims at policy relevant issues


The model is developed in response to the trend towards internationalisation in the electricity sector. Further, the ongoing process of deregulation of the energy sector highlights this and contributes to the need for overview and analysis. The model contains a representation of the basic energy technologies (chp, condensing, hydro, wind and others) and electricity transmission between the various subregions. The model permits analyses of dynamic phenomena like investments in generation and transmission capacities, fuel consumption, prices of electricity and heat, emissions and (where relevant) marginal prices on emission quotas. The model includes representation of price elastic demands for electricity and heat. A guiding principle behind the construction of the model has been that it may serve as a means of communication in relation to the policy issues that already are or that may become important for the region. Therefore, emphasis has been put on documentation, transparency and flexibility of the model. This is achieved in part by formulating the model in a high level modelling language (GAMS), and by making the model, including data, available at the internet ( Potential users of the Balmorel model include research institutions, consulting companies, energy authorities, transmission system operators and energy companies

Key figures

1999 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.41 mio. DKK
1.30 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
48 %
Project budget:
2.71 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Model til analyse af el- og kraftvarmesektoren i et international perspektiv
Project type
Case no.


Energinet (Main Responsible)


Ravn, Hans
Comtact information
Elkraft A.m.b.A.. Planlægning
Lautruphøj 5
DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark
Ravn, Hans , 44660022,
Øvr. Partnere: Forskningscenter Risø; Amternes og Kommunernes Forskningsinstitut (AKF)