Flash treatment of sewage sludge with the aim of increasing the energy yield

The purpose of this project is to examine the effect of a flash treatment of biological excess sludge upstream of anaerobic digestion. The flash treatment is carried out in a pilot plant at Holbæk wastewater treatment plant.

Project description

The aim of this project is to obtain a significant increase of the biodegradable part of the organic material in biological sludge in relation to an anaerobic digestion process. The procedure to follow is to expose the sludge for a momentary pressure reduction, a so called flash treatment, by which a rupture of the cell walls may take place. The cell liquid will herafter be available for degradation in the digestion process. It is expected that the potential for the new process in Denmark is an increased production of biogas, based on biological excess sludge, in the order of 700 TJ per year. The activities in the project. Study of the theory, and process modelling. Establishment of a pilot plant at the WWTP of Holbæk. With the pilot plant it will be possible to heat up, pressurise and expand the thin sludge (3-6% TS) through a nozzle system which will be in connection with a vacuum chamber. In this way a very high pressure reduction ratio is obtained. The optimal parameter-combinations of the process will be determined, primarily based on analyse of dissolved COD. With the optimal parameter setting digestion tests will be carried out (batch tests). Finally, model reactor tests will be carried out in order to investigate the biodegradability (biogas production) of the flash treated sludge under process realistic conditions. The results will be compared to not-treated sludge. Provided that the expected results are obtained it is the intention to apply for a continuation of the project in demonstration scale


The treatment is started by heating the sludge to a desired temperature followed by an increse of the pressure by means of a high pressure pump. The flash effect itself is obtained by a pressure reduction (by means of a nozzle) to the flash tank. The parameters mentioned have been tested within the wollowing limits: Temperature 20-90 deg. C.; Pressure after the high pressure pumpe 1-50 bara; Pressure in the flash tank 0,05-1 bara. the best effect (i.e. the highest concentration of dissolved COD) was obtained at a combination of high temperature and high pressure. Contrary to expectation, reductin of the pressure in the flash tank from 1 to 0,05 bara did not have any considerable effect. At 80 deg. C and 50 bara, a content of dissolved COD (measured after centrifugation) of up to 50% of the total COD was obtained. This equals and incrase of up to 10 times the initial concentration. In spite of the big increase in dissolved COD, a higher methane production was not obtained in the following anaerobic digestion. The filterability of the sludge after thermophilic anaerobic digestion (measured as CST) was the same for sludge with and without flash pretreatment

Key figures

1999 - 2001
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.22 mio. DKK
0.78 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
78 %
Project budget:
0.99 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Flashbehandling af slam med henblik på forøget energiudbytte
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


KRÜGER A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut
Holbæk Centralrenseanlæg


Bisgaard, Christian
Comtact information
Krüger A/S. Procesdesign og udvikling
Gladsaxevej 363
DK-2860 Søborg, Denmark
Simonsen, Niels ; Projektleder: Bisgaard, Christian , 39690222, kruger@kruger.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Teknologisk Institut. Bioteknik; Holbæk Centralrenseanlæg