Energy sustainable retrofitting of older residential houses and urban areas, management and maintenance

The purpose of the schedule-project is primarily to delimit and qualify the application for the main project and thus contribute to make a more accurate pricture of the perspectives by carrying out a total energy performance in the existig housing stock.

Project description

The purpose of the preliminary design is primarily to upgrade the application for the detailed design and to participate in forming a precise evaluation of the perspectives concerning implementation of a co-ordinated effort for energy saving in the existing housing volume. Experience from energy projects accomplished so far will be extracted. A new EDP-tool, EPIQR will be tested in the preliminary design in connection with registration of the demand for urban renewal projects. The EDP-program will calculate the consequences concerning economy as well as energy-savings and indoor environment. Investigations will be made to detect fields of action for further research to implement in the detailed design. An analysis of energy consumption will be made on the basis of 2-4 selected housing sites to create key figures for future use in estimating energy optimum. Energy projects carried out within the urban renewable branch will be evaluated to create key figures for economy and energy saving. The purpose of the detailed design is to perform a priority effort for energy savings in the existing housing volumes at an overall basis, when urban renewable plants are implemented. An overwiev of the potential for saving energy will be formed as well as simple formulas for registration of energy consumption before and after urban renewable. Furthermore a simple construction manual for the subject will be created. Research activities in fields of energy savings in the existing multi-storey buildings will be initiated as part of the project. Conclusively the project will point out new fields of development and possibilities for solutions to perform urban renewable projects at an energetic optimum. The conclusion of the project will be tested in full scale on a typical building in the older housing volume. Also, as a follow up an overall estimate of the renewable potential for a township will be made, a demonstration project will be implemented, aiming at upgrading the energy standards and regarding the overall solutions concerning architecture, aesthetic, environment as well as economy. The preliminary design will be accomplished within the first 2 quarters of 1999, aiming at completion of a design application before September, 1999


The purpose is furthermore to give a picture of the completed urban renewal projects seen from an energy point of view and make some qualified estimates of the energy conditions in the urban renewal projects which have been completed up to now. The goal of the schedule-project is also to test different edb-tools, in order to examine the possibilities of mapping the energy need in the existing building stock, carry out energy analyses on single buildings as well as calculate the energy need and the potential saving level on a national scale. Another goal is to investigate the need for a research-based effort, which would be relevant to incorporate in the task concerning a total energy-effort in the older building stock. The schedule-project also shows that there are available raw data which makes it possible to map the energy-use and the energy-condition of the older building stock. Furthermore the schedule-project shows that BV98 and EPROJ are usable edb-tools which can be used both to make models of single buildings as well as calculate the result in a larger scale. The schedule-project has resulted in an application for the EFP-2000 of a main project with the purpose of selecting energy solutions which, in connection with renovation and urban renewal projects, have a very large energy- and environmental effect as well as having a reasonable economy, are easy to maintain and are a part of creating a healthy indoor climate. A thorough analysis of the last years energy- and environmental effect of renovation and the urban projects will be made in connection with the schedule-projects. The results of the project will be the foundation for a wide purposive implementation of energy saving measures in public economically supported renovation- and urban renewal projects. In the next phase the intention is partly to carry out demonstration projects on building- and district-levels partly to implement purposive research and development projects

Key figures

1999 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.18 mio. DKK
0.28 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
61 %
Project budget:
0.45 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Energirigtig renovering af ældre boliger og byområder, drift og vedligehold
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Byfornyelse København. (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej)
Teknologisk Institut


Skou, Karen
Comtact information
Byfornyelsesselskabet Danmark s.m.b.a..Planfunktionen
Studiestræde 50
DK-1554 København V, Denmark
Skou, Karen (arkitekt), 33766086,
Øvr. Partnere: NIRAS, Rådgivende Ingeniøer- og Planlæggere A/S; Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut; Teknologisk Institut