Barriers for implementation of energy saving measures in the public subsidised housing sector

The aim of the project has primarily been to: 1) identify the barriers preventing the implementation of energy saving measures, 2) bring up recommendations and test different means in connection with demolishing identified barriers, 3) give examples on how the decision-making process can be influenced and thus demolish barriers.

Project description

The public housing sector makes up 18 % of the Danish dwelling stock and form thus a large part of the prospective energy savings which are to be achieved if the objective of the energy savings from the Danish Government are to be reached. The large organisation extent of the public housing sector makes it easier seen from the eyes of a planner to manage those households compared with e.g. privately owned households. But the group of public households is very heterogeneous and the social task of the sector mean that the tenants in some cases have many social problems. Finally it should be pointed out that the public housing sector has a very decentralised control in spite of a large organisation extent. In this project the project group wishes to identify and estimate the energy saving measures in the public housing sector, to identify barriers as to organisation, behaiour and economic for the implementation of these measures as well as to test different means in connection with the implementation of chosen saving measures. About 10-20 local housing divisions will be chosen for case studies with the purpose of preparing an energy saving strategy for each division. The local divisions will be guided in and informed about the use of different means. Ongoing evaluations of energy consumption, attitudes and decisions will be made to evaluate and discuss the effect of the different strategies which finally should bring up recommendation for how energy savings in the public housing sector is retained at the best possible way


The project is based on case studies in seven local housing divisions. The project group has carried out several activities such as awareness campaigns, preparing green accounts, energy audits, etc for the purpose of obtaining energy savings. The analysis is based on both the experience and observations from the specific implementation of there activities as well as on both the tenants boards' and caretakers' experiences up till now in this field illustrated through interviews. Finally the analysis also includes some technical data about the energy relation and energy consumption of the local housing department. Results and conclusions are as follows: Identify barriers: Those barriers identified through this project can be divided into barriers as to the technical saving potential and barriers as to the behavioral saving potential. As to the first mentioned the barriers are primarily lack of knowledge, prioritization and financial circumstances. In the behavioral held the barrier is primarily due to the fact that savings to a more or less extent call for the change of ones lifestyle. Bringing up recommendations and test different means/give specific examples: In the technical area the local housing division has a number of good tools such as the Danish Energy Management Scheme and maintenance plans making the identification and prioritizations of energy savings possible, and through a number of specific project approaches the focus on there possibilities were made better i.e. in some cases the increase of energy saving initiatives succeeded. As to the behavioral side there was no success in motivating to measurable results. The conclusion from this side is that the typical tenant participation is not geared to this type of tasks. It will require a large engagement from both the tenants and tenants board and a more time-consuming form of support than what non-profit housing companies in their present form can give

Key figures

1999 - 2002
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.38 mio. DKK
1.08 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
74 %
Project budget:
1.46 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Barrierer for implementering af energibesparende foranstaltninger i den almene boligsektor
Project type
Case no.


Rambøll (Main Responsible)


Nørregaard Larsen, Dorte
Comtact information
RAMBØLL. Afdelingen for Energi- og Miljøplanlægning
Teknikkerbyen 31
DK-2830 Virum, Denmark
Nørregaard Larsen, Dorte (energiplanlægger), 45988790,
Øvr. Partnere: Dansk Almennyttigt Boligselskab; KAB-Bygge- og Boligadministration S.m.b.A.; Boligselskabernes Landsforening; Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut; Bolin-Handel A/S