Free span burial instrumentation pig - Phase A

The project is a Feasibility Phase (A) of a new project aiming towards design, construction, testing and demonstration of a multipurpose instrumentation (FSB-pig) for internal inspection of offshore gas pipelines for Free Spans, Burial, loss of concrete weight coating, and the presence of radionuclides originating from Radon-222.

Project description

The FSB-pig will establish a more operative and less costly alternative to today's ship and diver assisted inspection methods. The measuring principle uses natural gamma radiation emitted by sedimentary formations to show Free Spans and the other elements of pipeline condition. Experience generated in a previous stage of the project proved god-working ability of measuring principle and instrumentation in pipelines for natural gas. However, test runs in a gas pipeline, which occasionally had a high content of Radon-222 showed radiation from daughter isotopes of Radon-222 on particles inside the pipeline influenced the detector response in a manner, which the technology was unable to correct for at that time. Sensor technology and data-analytical procedures developed recently makes it now possible to identify gamma ray contributions from different isotopes with different spatial distribution and quantify their impact on the detector response. Thus it should now be possible to overcome the previous limitations. Phase A of the project includes design, contruction and testing of a new detector system and housing for the FSB-pig and development of computational procedures to detract Radon-222 constributions in the detector output. Experiments will be conducted in a test stand consisting of a concrete coated 30' pipe section, where the detector system, mounted in a pig mock-up is subjected to Radon-222 gas

Key figures

1999 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.72 mio. DKK
1.45 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
67 %
Project budget:
2.17 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Project type
Case no.


Force Technology (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Ørsted A/S 0,61 mio. DKK


Damgaard Kristensen, Willy
Comtact information
FORCE Technology
Park Alle 345
DK-2605 Brøndby, Denmark
Genders, Steen ; Projektleder: Damgaard Kristensen, Willy , 43267000,
Øvr. Partnere: Dansk Olie og Naturgas A/S