Danish participation in the IEA-agreement on process integration in industry

The aim of the project has been to promote Danish participation for the years 1998-2000 in IEA agreement on process integration in industry. The other member countries of this agreement are Canada, Finland, Portugal, Switzerland (until 2000), Sweden and UK (until 2000).

Project description

The objective is the Danish participation in the on-going IEA Agreement on process integration. The first annex (task) in the agreement was finished in 1997, and the next annexes will be initiated autumn 1998. These annexes are expected to include: 1) PI (process integration), environment and sustainability. 2) PI in pulp and paper. 3) PI including industrial plants, power stations and district heating. 4) PI in small and medium sized industry and PI in batch process industry. 5) An information and dissemination programme. The Danish participation includes membership of the Executive Committee. There is a Danish national team, including research institutes and consultants organised in Centre for Process Energy-Research


This IEA agreement was signed in 1995. In the present periode (which became 1998-2002) a number of new activities have been launched and others from the previous period have been finished. The new tasks (annexes) are on Process Integration in the Pulp and Paper Industry, and on Energy Systems Integration between Society and Industry including Cogeneration Systems and Power Plants. Denmark is not a member of the two tasks. The first one is only of minor relevance to the Danish industry, and it has not been possible to find financial sources for Danish participants in the other task, even it is of great relevance to us. Denmark has proposed two other items for the cooperation, one on dissemination activities and one on process integration in batch processes. Those acitivities are still under planning by the remaining member countries. An international conference PI'99 was arranged in Copenhagen in March 1999 in cooperation with the Nordic Energy Research Programme. The dissemination activities also include the homepage http:/www.tev.ntnu.no/lea/pi/, where a useful briefing package may be found. Mogens Johansson, Dansk Energi Analyse, has been the Danish representative in the Executive Committee and has served as a chairman in 1998-2000 and as co-chairman in 2000-2001. The Danish national team for this agreement was Center of Process Energy Research, including Denmark Technical University, the Copenhagen University and a number of consultancy companies. The project has been carried through as expected. However, Denmark withdraw from the agreement in 2002, because the Danish government severely reduced the grants for energy research this year

Key figures

1998 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.07 mio. DKK
0.40 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
85 %
Project budget:
0.47 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Dansk deltagelse i IEA-samarbejde om procesintegration i industrien
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing


Johansson, Mogens
Comtact information
Dansk Energi Analyse A/S
Jernbane Alle 45
DK-2720 Vanløse, Denmark
Johansson, Mogens (civ.ing.), 38797070, dea@dea.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Center for Procesenergi-Forskning