IEA Enhanced Field Rotor Aerodynamics Database (EFRAD)

Afdelingen for Vindenergi og Atmosfærefysik

This Annex had as the main objective to set up an aerodynamic data base with experimental results from detailed rotor measurements. The participants in Annex XIV were the five different research institutions: ECN (NL), Delft University (NL), Emperial College (UK). National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) and Risø (DK).

Project description

The project constitutes the Danish participation in the IEA corporation project 'Enhanced Field Rotor Aerodynamic Database (EFRAD)', IEA Annex XVIII. This new Annex is a continuation of the Annex XIV 'Field Rotor Aerodynamics' carried out in the period from 1992-1997, which had the main objective to establish an aerodynamic data base with experimental results from field rotor experiments at five different institutes: ECN (Holland), Delft University (Holland), Emperial College (England) and Risø (Denmark). The new Annex has the following main objectives: 1) To maintain the database whichs is developed in IEA Annex XIV. The maintenance also includes the improvement of the accessibility of the data and determination of the uncertainty from different postprocessing techniques; 2) To extend the database which is developed in IEA Annex XIV. 3) To disseminate the results from IEA Annex XIV


The project comprises the Danish participation in the IEA collaborative project 'Enhanced Field Rotor Aerodynamic Database (EFRAD)', IEA Annex XVIII. IEA AnnexXVIII is a continuation of the IEA Annex XIV 'Field rotor aerodynamics' carried out in the period from 1992 to 1997. This Annex had as the main objective to set up an aerodynamic data base with experimental results from detailed rotor measurements. The participants in Annex XIV were the five different research institutions: ECN (NL), Delft University (NL), Emperial College (UK). National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) and Risø (DK). Emperial College has not participated in Annex XVIII but instead Mie University from Japan joined the Annex. However, in order to include the Japanese data in the Database the end date of the Annex was delayed from September 1999 to July 2001. The IEA Annex XVIII has had the following main objectives: 1) To maintain the database developed within IEA Annex XIV. The maintenance also includes the improvement of the accessibility of the data base and determination of the uncertainty from different postprocessing techniques. 2) To extend the database which was developed within IEA Annex XIV. 3) To disseminate the results from IEA Annex XIV. The main results achieved within the Annex is the extension of the database with the pressure measurements from Mie University carried out on a 10 m rotor and which include measurements of the angle of attack on the rotating blade. Additionally Delft University has also supplied new measurements to the database comprising measurements with stall strips and vortex generators on the blades. The accessibility to the database has been improved by the establishment of an internet site for the database The access is free under the condition, that the users inform the IEA Annex XIV participants about experiences gained with the database at least once per year. Dissemination of the results from the Annex has been improved by the new internet site for the database. Further, different papers describing the database have been presented at wind energy conferences

Key figures

1998 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.01 mio. DKK
0.15 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
97 %
Project budget:
0.16 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
IEA samarbejdsprojekt omkring aerodynamisk database
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Aagaard Madsen, Helge
Comtact information
Forskningscenter Risø. Afdelingen for Vindenergi og Atmosfærefysik
P.O. Box 49
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Aagaard Madsen, Helge (seniorforsker), 46775047,
Øvr. Partnere: Energieonderzoel Centrum Nederland (ECN), (Netherlands); National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), (United States); Delft Universitet (Netherlands)