Competitive low energy office building

The aim of the project was to demonstrate how to cut the energy consumption by 50% in office buildings without increasing the building costs. The way to do this would be by using money, saved for mechanical cooling, to install more energy efficient equipment.

Project description

The objective of this project is to develop a new concept for an energy efficient office building, a concept where the overall energy consumption is reduced by 50% withoud increasing the cost of the building. This objective is achieved by implementing an integrated design process, where the overall building design process is anlysed. Areas are identified where a lower energy consumption can be achieved using new design concepts, new systems, new components or new materials. The energy design strategies that may be utilised are among others: use of natural daylight, use of high performance windows, passive night cooling, natural ventilation. The project aims at a building project of approximately 8,000m2 office building, which is intended to be realised by the partners of the project. Skanska building and real estate company and C.G. Jensen building contractors


A change to implement some of the ideas came up as NCC Denmark (2. largest contractor in Denmark) started a project for their own, new domicile. NCC afterwards became the contractor partner in the project. Focus in the project with the NCC domicile became reductions in heat loads and as part of that low consumption of electricity. By that the use of natural ventilation and cooling became possible. A major issue has been the indoor climate - without taking big care of that it will hard to implement projects without traditionel ventilation and cooling. For those reasons the major part of the work has been concentrating on the summer situation (in door climate) and consumption of electricity. A part of the project was the investigation of energy efficient office buildings. A study tour to Germany and the Nederlands was made September 1999. To mention as good examples are a tax office (Enschede) and a research center (Wageningen). As the last part of the project a lot of simulations of the future NCC domicile were made. As a result this will be built with natural ventilation and without mechanical cooling. The optimisations reduced the consumpiton of electricity and led to a high exploitation of the day light in combination with automatic light controls. In some areas with bigger heat loads (because of large glazings) only energy efficient (flat screen) computers will be installed. The construction work is ongoing and the building will be tanken into use by the end of 2001. On an international level the results are vary usefull. Office buildings are made in almost the same way in the European countries and often without to much concern of the heat loads and consumption of electricity. Mechanical cooling is becoming the most common way to solve indoor climate problems

Key figures

1998 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.38 mio. DKK
0.50 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
57 %
Project budget:
0.88 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Det halve energiforbrug til samme pris
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Skanska Öresund (Sweden)


Kristensen, Poul
Comtact information

Øvr. Partnere: