IT based optimization of district heating networks

The project's superior objective is to work as a catalyst for distribution and practical use of a number of optimization methods and tools for the district heating sector. By collecting these functions in one modern IT-tool and by introducing new working methods the project will work as a lever and make these optimizations practically operational and attractive for the district heating companies.

Project description

The project's first objective is to define an ideal model for optimalization of the operation, based on the well-known methods. With special focus on integration of pressure and temperature optimalization and on optimalization of storage tanks, a pilot version of such an IT-tool is designed, which as its second essential function presents information on the network's operating condition and sectioning in a graphical and clear way, a.o. with a geographic map on the supply area as background. Tools and working methods are tested during practical operation and advantages and profits, compared with the operating situation before introduction of the tool are evaluated and documented. It is the aim of the IT-tool to be able to integrate a number of functions, such as: 1) The network tools for dimensioning and analysis. 2) Optimalization of storage tanks and other supply sources. 3) Strategies for optimum pump operation and regulation. 4) Advanced forecast and temperature regulations. 5) On-line measuring values and status information from SCADA systems. 6) Geographic map information from pipe registration/GIS systems. 7) Information from customer databases. 8) An uncomplicated and clear presentation of deviations from the optimum operating condition

Key figures

1998 - 2005
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.35 mio. DKK
1.35 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
36 %
Project budget:
3.70 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
IT baseret driftoptimering af fjernvarmedistribution
Project type
Case no.


ABB A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
Dansk Fjernvarme
Vestkraft I/S


Laursen, Peter
Comtact information
ABB Energi og Industri A/S. Fjernkontrol - Fjernvarme
Meterbuen 33
DK-2740 Skovlunde, Denmark
Laursen, Peter , 44504450,
Øvr. Partnere: RAMBØLL; Frederiksberg Fjernvarmeforening; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Institut for Matematisk Modellering; Danske Fjernvarmeværkers Forening; Vestkraft I/S