Efficient use of energy from sewage sludge

The project is carried out by representatives of the EFP98 applicants who forwarded project proposals regarding concepts related to energy effective exploitation of waste waster sludge.

Project description

Under the Energy Research Programme a working group has been appointed with the following taks: 1) To evaluate own suggested sludge treatment concepts based on the following key figures: a) Socioeconomic price for sludge treatment from wet condition till energy utilisation and removal of residues stated in DKK/t treated sludge; b) Company-related costs for sludge treatment from wet condition till energy utilisation and removal of residues stated in DKK/t treated sludge; c) Resultant CO2 reduction or CO2 environmental load for sludge from wet condition till energy utilisation stated in tonnes CO2/t treated sludge; compared to the best conventional solutions. 2) To collect data for calculation of the above key figures. For concepts in which it is necessary to carry out test in order to set up these data, the tests are carried out and reported. 3) To evaluate the technological development level of the mentioned concepts. 4) To evaluate the potential of the mentioned concepts in Denmark and the possibilities of applying them for other energy purpose. 5) To evaluate the amount and quality of sludge from Danish wastewater treatment plants including an account of sludge as a source of energy. From this, the basis for comparison of concepts in made concerning quality of sludge (dry matter content, heating value, etc.). 6) To evaluate the financial situation of a business by utilisation of sludge including the effect of the present economic means (taxes, duties). 7) To prepare a recommendation for the future R and D effort regarding sludge for energy utilisation


The project has evaluated the individual EFP98 concepts for sludge treatment in relation to sludge treatment prices to be paid by companies (in DKK per ton), macroeconomic CO2 reduction prices (in DKK per ton) and the potential for a CO2 reduction on the basis of the replacement of coal. For this purpose, a spread sheet model has been made which is able to calculate the abovementioned key figures from and including pretreatment concepts at the municipal treatment plants to and including the price of storing residues in connection with cofiring sludge from the municipal treatment plants without pretreatment concepts. The total Danish, munical sludge amount in 1995 has been calculated to approx. 167,000 tonnes of dry matter which at best represents a total CO2 reduction potential of more than 200,000 tonnes CO2 per year - the equivalent of almost 1% of the total present production of CO2 from all Danish power stations. It is expected that somewhere between 60% and 80% of the munical sludge amount can no longer be used on agriculatural soil in year 2000 due to a tightening of the limiting values of environmentally foreign matters whereas the corresponding figures was approx. 30% in 1995

Key figures

1997 - 1998
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.01 mio. DKK
1.59 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
99 %
Project budget:
1.60 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Energieffektiv slamudnyttelse
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


Tech-wise A/S (Main Responsible)


Sørensen, Merete
Comtact information
Elsamprojekt A/S
Kraftværksvej 53
DK-7000 Fredericia, Denmark
Sørensen, Merete , 79233333, ep@elsamprojekt.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Krüger A/S; Vandkvalitetsinstituttet; IRD A/S; Aalborg Universitet. Laboratorie for Miljøteknik; Koch (Thomas) Energi A/S; COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører AS