On-line VFA measurement in biogas plants

Institut for Miljøteknologi

In theproject we have developed an on-line sensor for continuous monitoring of the biogas process.

Project description

More information on process behaviour is necessary, in order to improve control and regulation of biogas plants used for treatment of manure and other organic wastes. A key parameter in the anaerobic biogas process is the concentration of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA). The concentration of specific VFAs can indicate process stability and instability. Unfortunately, the know techniques of measuring VFA all requires a liquid sample with no particle material, a clean sample. Manure containing up till 8-10% total solids and a lot of particles is therefore unsuitable for VFA measurement. An automatic preparation of the sample from manure is required. It is the purpose of this projects to develop an automatic VFA (Volatile Fatty Acids) measuring device for biogas plants, feed with manure and other wastes. The measuring device is to be tested on a full scale biogas plant in Denmark. Measurements of VFA are then to be involved in the automatic control and regulation of the biogas plant


Biogas production is a biotechnological process demanding a tight monitoring and control. No sensor is available ore the market for use within this processs. In a previous EFP project we have shown that the volatile fatty acids are useful as indicators of process imbalance. Measurements of the volatile fatty acids is done now a days by off-line monitoring of samples in a laboratory which previously have been collected at the biogas plant. In the current EFP project we have developed an on-line sensor for continuous monitoring of the biogas process. The system is composed of a moveable filter unit mounted into the biogas reactor and producing a liquid stream from the reactor. This stream is then further purified in an ultra-filter unit. Afterwards this cleaned stream is ready for injection into a gas chromatograph or a HPLC system. The whole on-line system has been tested at Snertinge biogas plant and has been in operation for 5 month without major problems. During this test run it was found that the sensor can predict process problems before any changes in gas production is observed. The test further showed that there would be major economical benefits from monitoring of the biogas process on a regular basis

Key figures

1998 - 2001
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.67 mio. DKK
1.07 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
61 %
Project budget:
1.74 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
On-line VFA måling i biogasanlæg
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Kiær Ahring, Birgitte
Comtact information
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Institut for Miljøteknologi
Bygning 115
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Kiær Ahring, Birgitte (lektor), 45251566, bka@imt.dtu.dk
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