Highly insulated glazing in new apartment buildings

The project has resulted in a number of design proposal demonstrating how new types of glazing can be fitted into multi-storey buildings and how new facade expressions, space and lightning effects can be obtained by using highly insulating glass areas.

Project description

New highly insulated transparent and translucent windows show new energy and architectural perspectives for the use of large glazing area in apartment buildings. The aim of the project is to analyse and describe the application possibilities for new highly insulated windows and glazing in apartment buildings from an architectural point of view and for energy- and indoor climate point of view. The project will result in a plan for an apartment building including consequence calculations, where the new windows are used to achieve a new look for facades and rooms and new luminous effects. The project will build on experience from SBI-report: Highly insulated glasshouses and from the highly insulated glasshouse constructed at Egebjerggaard in Ballerup. The plan is later to determine a demonstration project where the use of a large highly insulated glazing area will be tested in apartment buildings. KAB Bygge- og Boligadministration are interested to become client for the demonstration project


This report illustrates how highly insulating types of glazing can be used in multi-storey buildings for housing in new ways. There are energy efficient and provide good indoor climate and also satisfy requirements to high architectural quality. The project has resulted in a number of design proposal demonstrating how new types of glazing can be fitted into multi-storey buildings and how new facade expressions, space and lightning effects can be obtained by using highly insulating glass areas. The project is collaboration between the architects Boje Lundgaard and Lene Tranbergs Tegnestue, KAB Bygge- og Boligadministration and Danish Building and Urban Research. Different plan and facade solutions have been prepared. The objective is, within a limited economic framework, to create greater spaciousness and flexibility in the dwelling. At the same time untraditional use is made possible with respect to openness to the outdoors and with a pattern of use known from conservatories. The orientation of the facade is crucial for the floor plan design. Five different plan solutions have been designed and one type have a multi-opening glass facade system consisting of multi-folding doors and sliding doors. Four different multi-opening facade systems were designed and their advantages and disadvantages have been described. Calculations of heat demand suggest that it is possible to meet the targets outlined in the Danish Government's action plan for energy, Energy 21 by using new types of highly insulating glazing in new building. Another 33% reduction of the heating demand is targeted in relation to existing requirements in the Danish Building Regulations 1995. Calculations of temperature conditions show that it will be possible to obtain acceptable indoor temperatures by hanging light inner curtains and establishing appropriate ventilation. This will enable the indoor temperature to remain at a level approximately 2 deg. C over the outdoor temperature

Key figures

1997 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.36 mio. DKK
0.92 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
72 %
Project budget:
1.28 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Højisolerede glaspartier i nye etageboliger
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


By og Byg (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Boje Lundgaard og Lene Tranbergs Tegnestue A/S


Engelund Thomsen, Kirsten
Comtact information
By og Byg (Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut). Afdelingen for Energi og Indeklima
P.O. Box 115
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Aggerholm, Søren (seniorforsker); Projektleder: Engelund Thomsen, Kirsten , 42865533, sbi@sbi.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Lundgaard (Boje) og Tranbergs (Lene) tegnestue; KAB Bygge- og Boligadministration