What is a sustainable energy policy?

The aim of the project was to develop the concept of sustainability with regard to practical use in energy planning. However, it has been difficult to reach general recommendations as economic theory include several definitions of sustainability.

Project description

With regard to the Danish energy and environmental policies, the concepts of sustainability and ecological space are essential as generic political goals. But neither of these concepts are so well defined that they can be used to evaluate whether or not the actual development in the energy sector or a plan for the energy sector brings the sector coloser to, or further from, a sustainable development. It is also unclear whether the concept of ecological space adds anything to the concept of sustainable development. Or does it just add further confusion to the existing confusion about sustainability. Based on these ideas we will focus on three questions: 1) A theoretical discussion of the 'relevant' concept for sustainability (weak versus strong, open versus closed, economy) and ecological space. 2) Empiric assessment of the sustainability of the Danish energy sector based on rules for sustainability in open and closed economies. 3) Formulation of an equilibrium growth model focusing on the optimum timepath for substitution of exhaustible energy sources with renewable sources


Though this difficulty the project has resulted in: An insight in the ethical aspects of sustainability, a critique of the concept of environmental space, suggestions for improving the national account with regard to the use of natural resources, two principles for national CO2 accounting and finally a CO2 - as well as an energy balance estimated for Denmark. We have pointed out some indicators of sustainability which are of relevance to the energy administration, e.g. a green national account and consumption oriented accounts for depletable resources and environmental effects

Key figures

1997 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.02 mio. DKK
1.35 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
98 %
Project budget:
1.38 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Hvad er en bæredygtig energipolitik?
Project type
Case no.


KORA, Det Nationale Institut for Kommuners og Regioners Analyse og Forskning (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Københavns Universitet


Larsen, Anders
Comtact information
Amternes og Kommunernes Forskningsinstitut (AKF)
Nyropsgade 37
DK-1602 København V, Denmark
Larsen, Anders (forskningsleder, souschef), 33110300, akf@akf.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut