Barriers for energy savings in district heating areas

The present project analyses and discusses barriers to and incentives needed for carrying through energy savings in areas supplied with heat from district heating systems. The project has analysed and identified potential energy savings within production, transmission, distribution and at the end-user level.

Project description

As drawn up in 'Energi 21' (ministerial document on Danish energy policy), it is clear that the future energy supply is to be based on utilization of domestic CO2 neutral energy sources. This calls for the existing energy system to be made substantially more effective, e.g. through considerable cutbacks in consumption of both heat and power. Heat savings in district heating areas will have a conclusive importance for the realization of 'Energi 21'. Liberalisation and deregulation of the energy sector will pose new challenges and demands for the organization of the energy sector. 1) Identification and analysis of relevant actor/player groups which relate to district heating. 2) Estimation of the present overall framework of the sector's existance. 3) Identification and description of alternative organization forms within the sector. 4) Estimation of possible heat savings in the suggeted organization models. 5) Estimation of possibilities for technology leaps within the sector for the next 20-40 years. 6) Presentation of the results of previous analyses through a number of scenarios. 7) Presentation of a number of tangible conclusions and recommendations. The work programme: (Starts in January 1997 to May 1998.) Arrangement of two workshops. Meetings with the technical follow-up group. Use of results: 1) Participation in the ongoing work with reform of the energy sector in the Danish Energy Agency. 2) In the long run basis for securing implementation/accomplishment of heat savings in district heating areas


The main barriers to energy savings identified by the project are from an overall perspective related to financial, technical, organisational and behavioural aspects. The present incentives used to promote energy savings are not sufficient to ensure the reduction in the energy consumption stated in the national energy plan 'Energy 21'. Thus, in the short-term perspective the project recommends new dynamics in the sector such as the establishment of an 'Energy Saving Fund' with the aim of promoting initiatives to reduce the energy consumption. The Energy Saving Fund should promote energy savings to the public and give house-owners confidence when negotiating with contractors. It is recommended that the municipalities should play an important role and develop energy saving plans in close cooperation with the Energy Saving Fund, the Electricity Saving Fund, district heating companies and natural gas companies. As supplementary actions standards and norms for the renovation of the existing housing stock must be sharpened and a new building renovation regulation must be introduced

Key figures

1997 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.36 mio. DKK
1.49 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
81 %
Project budget:
1.84 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Barrierer for energibesparelser i fjernvarmeområder
Project type
Case no.


GRONTMIJ A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing


Engell, Thomas
Comtact information
Carl Bro as. Energi og Miljø
Granskoven 8
DK-2600 Glostrup, Denmark
Engell, Thomas (ing.), 43486060,
Øvr. Partnere: Plan og Projekt A/S