Geophysical and geostatistical reservoir characterisation of ckalk fields and its use in reservoir simulation

In the project, reservoir characterisation of the Roar field, including a ranking method for geostatistical models has been developed, implemented and demonstrated.

Project description

The aim of the project is to use geophysics and geostatistics to improve reservoir characterization for reservoir simulation. Seismic inversion will be combined with geostatistical methods to describe reservoir chalk. The project will characterize the geological parameter and the influence of oil and gas in combination with seismis data. The stochastic realization will be classified by use of up-scalling techniques. Reservoir simulation of the different realization will be performed


The work flow in the project has been first to invert the seismic data for relative impedance, then do the interpretation, build low-frequency model and do the final inversion for acoustic impedance and porosity. An inline has also been processed for AVO attributes and an AVO inversion for Poisson's ratio has been performed. Then the 3D data is depth converted, the impedance is corrected for fluid content before geostatistical characterisation of porosity and permeability is performed. Water saturation is modelled and hydrocarbon pore volume is calculated. Furthermore, the importance of fracturing the present field is assessed. On the geostatistical characterisations ranking is performed. This is a new ranking technique developed in this project. The ranking is selecting between the hundred stochastic realisations a low producing and a high producing model. Reservoir simulation is performed on these two models, as well as on a reference model, built at the beginning of the project before the stochastic models were available. The results of this modelling are compared. The project has demonstrated the use an integrated reservoir characterisation technique on data from the Roar field. It has been demonstrated how seismic data can be used through inversion in qualitatively prediction of porosity. The use of geostatistical methods is demonstrated and 100 equally probable reservoir models are generated. In the project a technique for ranking the reservoir models is developed an demosntrated. In this way it becomes easy to quantify the variablility in form of variability in oil production. The project has successfully shown how different disiplines can be combined and utilised in the reservoir description

Key figures

1997 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.25 mio. DKK
2.50 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
53 %
Project budget:
4.75 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Geofysisk og geostatistisk reservoirkarakterisering af kalkfelter samt anvendelse i reservoirsimulering
Project type
Case no.


ØD-S Holding A/S. Seismisk Udviklingsafdelig (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland


Mørch Pedersen, Jacob
Comtact information
ØD-S Holding A/S. Seismisk Udviklingsafdelig
Kroghsgade 1
DK-2100 København Ø, Denmark
Mørch Pedersen, Jacob , 35266011,
Øvr. Partnere: Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse (GEUS); COWI Rådgivende Ingeniører AS