Description of the petroleum system(s) of the Song Hong Basin, Vietnam

The main objective has been to perform a multidisciplinary study in order to describe the petroleum systems and to identify play models in the Conozoic Song Hong Basin located on the Vietnamese shelf in the Gulf of Tonkin and adjoining parts of the South China Sea.

Project description

An integrated geophysical/geological study of the Tertiary development of the Vietnamese Song Hong Basin, located in the delta of the Red River, the Bay of Tonking and stretching into the South China Sea will be carried out. The objective is to describe the petroleum system(s) and to identify play-types. The main part of the project will be carried out in Hanoi in close cooperation with GEUS' project partners: Vietnam Olie and Gas Corporation (Petro Vietnam and Vietnam Petroleum Institute (VPI). The partners provide the geophysical and geological database and contribute with manpower, office facilities, and access to Landmark workstations. The project will take full advantage from the results of an ongoing EFP-94 study, also carried out in Hanoi, which will be completed April 1997. The emphasis in the project will be attached to interpretation of available reflection seismic data and to tie the seismic information to data from offshore exploration wells. Interpretation and mapping of a number of selected surfaces and generation of isopach maps of prone reservoir and source rock intervals will be carried out using Landmark workstations and software. Existing biostratigraphic and geochemical data from wells will be evaluated. In order to obtain consistency, necessary supplementary analyses will be carried out to enhance interpretation of age, depositional environment, source rock potential, and source rock- oil/gas correlations. All data and results provided through the project remain the property of the Vietnamse authorities. Dissemination of the results will follow Vietnamese rules


The basin is in an early stage of exploration with less 20 wells drilled during the early 1990's in a vast area covering some 500 x 100 km. In contrast to other Vietnamese Cenozoic basins located further south, the exploration effort have so far only led to sub-commercial discoveries. The project has primarily been carried out in Hanoi in close cooperation with geoscientists from Vietnam Petroleum Institute (VPI), a subsidiary of the state-owned national oil company Petro Vietnam. A total of some 10,000 line km of digital seismic 2D data, supplied by the Vietnamese partner, covering most parts of the basin have been interpreted using Landmark interactive workstation facilities. Regional and semi-regional time structure and -isochore maps of key markers have been produced. Inter-well correlations between 16 exploration wells were carried by tying a large number of seismic marker horizons to the well-sections in order to establish a consistent chronostratigraphic framework for evaluating the basin development. Existing geochemical data were used to review the source rock potential and new analyses, including hydrous pyrolysis, were carried out on outcrop samples of Paleogene lacustrine carbonaceous mudstones. The latter are from seismic facies evidence believed to represent an analogue to terrestrial oil-prone source rocks offshore. The maturity level and the hydrocarbon generation history relative to trap generation for potential source rock intervals were evaluated basin-wide using the Yükler 1D basin modelling software. Although major parts of the basin are considered gas-prone, the modelling results suggests the presence of an active oil source kitchen in the north-eastern part of the study area

Key figures

1997 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.89 mio. DKK
3.00 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
61 %
Project budget:
4.89 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Beskrivelse af petroleum-systemet i Song Hong Bassinet, Vietnam
Project type
Case no.


De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation (Petro Vietnam)
Vietnam Petroleum Institute, Hanoi


Sørensen, Kai
Comtact information
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse (GEUS). Geofysisk afdeling
Thoravej 8
DK-2400 København NV, Denmark
Andersen, Claus (specialkonsulent); Projektleder: Sørensen, Kai (statsgeolog), 38142000,
Øvr. Partnere: Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation (Petro Vietnam); Vietnam Petroleum Institute, Hanoi