Structural analysis of possible energy reducing initiatives within the area of ventilation

Today we have a blurred picture of which products and systems within ventilation people will demand in future. In order to give interested an incentive to do the necessary initiatives a technical reference book was published which in a very well-arranged way prioritises future efforts and gives a state of affairs of how far we are within the individual technologies.

Project description

Background: In proportion to most technical installation plants, ventilation is a neglected area in relation to implementation of energy reduction initiatives. This is primarily due to the fact that users of ventilation plants are daily given different assumptions of the level of possible energy reduction. Also suppliers and manufacturers have an unclear picture of which products and systems will be demanded in the future. This gives no motivation for bringing new products on the marked. Therefore, it is required to produce a magazine which in the general view is given priority to future areas of effort. The priority will be made by choosing areas from the earlier mentioned matrix. The same matrix can also be used to get information on best qualified actors and possible sources of finance. Aim: The aim of the project is to form a general view of possible areas of effort in order to achieve short, as well as long, term energy reduction in connection with ventilation. The general view will be created by looking at two different levels: 1. Initiative 2. Technical structure. At the first level the initiatives are split up due to their complexity and time of realisation of power reduction. At the second level the technical structure is split up due to the physical placement in the ventilation plant. The content of this matrix will be described in order to evaluate the type of project, aim, use of energy, potential savings, environmental load, social conditions, target group, barriers and time of realisation before a reduction of energy is achieved. Furthermore, the actors and connections to earlier investigations are described


The technical reference book is divided into four main sections each separated with a coloured leaf. Under the first leaf you will find the conclusion, the table of contents and a list of the persons interviewed. The first main section deals with the master station of the ventilation system. The section is divided into some sub sections which have a headline according to one of the main components or areas of the station. The sub sections are divided according to ventilator inclusive motor and driver, heat recover, loss system areas, and finally a section which gather the other components. The other main section deals with the channel system. This section is also divided into different sub sections which tell about the shape, size and choice of material of the ventilation channels, the design of the channel system including straight elongations, curvings, narrowings, constrictions and jurnctions, and individual components as silencers and measure devices. Finally the fittings for air diffusion and ventilation are described. The last main section describes the different principles within ventilation which can be used on location. The sub sections deal with non-industrial buildings, industry and agriculture. The non-industrial buildings are described in three sections according to the principles of ventilation: mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation and indoor airconditioning plant. Under each coloured leaf you will find six leaves with a digit in this way you will find a description of the above mentioned sub section under each digit. For each sub section it is explained which methods that earlier have been used and will be used in future in order to achieve energy savings. The methods are divided into mapping, research and development, demonstration and communication

Key figures

1997 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.60 mio. DKK
0.99 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
62 %
Project budget:
1.59 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Strukturering af mulige energibesparende tiltag inden for ventilationsområdet
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Dansk Energi (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut


Borup Jensen, Jørn
Comtact information
Danske Elværkers Forenings Udredningsafdeling (DEFU). Energiteknologi
Bygning 325
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Borup Jensen, Jørn (, 45881400,
Øvr. Partnere: Teknologisk Institut. Energi