Wax deposition in pipelines

A computer program has been developed for prediction of the amount of wax deposited at the inner wall of a pipeline during transport of waxy well streams.

Project description

In connection with production of oil and gas from the North Sea the formation of solid phasesis an essential problems. Especially wax is a problem in connection with transport of oil (and gas) over longer distances in subsea pipelines. In many cases the temperature in such pipelines will drop to a level (approximately 4 deg. C) at which heavy paraffinic components in the oil to a large extent will precipitate as wax (many oils and gas condensates may form wax already at 50 deg. C). The precipitated wax will be deposited on the pipe wall at the risk of blocking. Furthermore the precipitated wax will be in suspension in the oil which will make the viscosity of the oil increase considerable. The aim of this project is to develope models and software which will make it possible to simulate pipeline transport of oil (and gas) considering wax precipitation. Such a tool will be of great importance when it comes to evaluation of field development and evaluation/optimization of existing installations


Deposited wax increases the effective inner diameter of the pipeline resulting in an increased pressure drop. Unless the wax is removed, the pipeline may eventually plug up with wax. The developed program may be used to predict: whether wax depostion will take place; how fast the thickness of the wax layer will increase with time; the pressure drop resulting from wax deposition. The program is well suited for planning how often the wax has to be mechanically removed (pigging frequency). Two deposition mechanisms are considered, molecular diffusion and shear dispersion. By molecular diffusion wax molecules from the bulk phase diffuse towards the cooler wall and deposit on the wall. Shear dispersion is deposition of already precipitated solid wax particles. The primary elements of the projects have been: improved thermodynamic model for wax precipitation. This model has an enhanced description of the effect of pressure on wax precipitation; Wax deposition model. The developed model is fully compositional an can be used to predict wax deposition in pipelines transporting well streams with up to 4 phases (gas, oil, wax and water); viscosity model for oil with dispersed wax. Wax deposited in the oil phase may have a tremendous effect on the apparent viscosity of the oil. This results in an increased pressure drop in the pipeline. A model has been developed for the prediction of the viscosity of an oil with solid wax particles

Key figures

1997 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.53 mio. DKK
1.50 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
37 %
Project budget:
4.03 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Voksudfældning i rørledninger
Project type
Case no.


Calsep A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Mærsk Olie og Gas AS
Well Flow Dynamics AS
Statoil A/S


Schou Pedersen, Karen
Comtact information
Calsep A/S
Gl. Lundtoftevej 7
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Rydahl, Allan Kim ; Projektleder: Schou Pedersen, Karen , 45876646, calsep@inet.uni-c.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Mærsk Olie og Gas A/S; Well Flow Dynamics A/S (NO); Statoil (NO); Calsep Inc. (US)