A northern European power exchange

Afdelingen for Systemanalyse

The aim of this project has been to describe and analyse the current proposals for a Norwegian-Swedish, Nordic or northern European power exchange and alternatives, with regard to the consequences for the Danish electricity and heat supply industry, and Danish targets and measures for energy and environment policy.

Project description

The aim of this project is to describe and analyse the current proposals for a Norwegian-Swedish, Nordic or Northern European power exchange, and their alternatives, with regard to the consequences for the Danish electricity and heat supply and Danish targets and measures for energy and environment policy. The main activities of the project are; Description of existing power exchanges and proposals for multinational power exhanges in Northern Europe. Analysis of possible strategies for Danish actors and discussion of rules for a power exchange. Model analysis of the competitive situation for different producers in Northern Europe. Requirements for changes in the organisation and regulation for the Danish electricity supply industry and their consequences. A seminar on power exchanges will be held in the autumn og 1996 and the final report will be published mid-1997. In some countries the deregulation of the energy supply industry has led to the etablishment of a 'power pool' or 'power exhange' as an organised market for electricity trade. The Norwegian power exhange, which is extended to Sweden from 1996, is most interesting for Denmark. In contrast to the other Nordic countries there has been little change in the organisation of the Danish electricity supply industry. The results will be used by the existing utilities, new actors within the market and public authorities


The main activities of the project have been: - Description of existing power exchanges and proposals for multinational power exchanges in Northern Europe. - Analysis of possible strategies for Danish actors in the market.. - Model analysis of the competitive situation for electricity generators. - Requirements for changes in the organisation and regulation for the Danish electricity supply industry. - Interviews with existing and potential actors in the electricity market, and a seminar, 'Actors' expectations to a northern European power exchange held in March 1997. The final report contains an overview of the theoretical background for spot and futures markets for commodities. The experience of the existing power exchanges in northern Europe, so far, is described; and the need for market information and modelling tools is discussed. The final report has been written with the aim of keeping a record of the most important views and options of the market actors during the project period, in which the market development has been very fast. Part of the contents of the report and selected background material have been published on the internet continuously during the project period

Key figures

1996 - 1998
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.98 mio. DKK
1.17 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
55 %
Project budget:
2.15 mio. DKK


Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Grohnheit, Poul Erik
Comtact information

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