DK-superconductors in the power sector

The tape development and characterisations are going on very well, especially the characterisation. The in-situ synchrotron characterisations have been done for the first time in the world. The results give a unique possibility to understand and optimise the applied thermo-mechancial processes.


Risø has as planned established facilities to be able to prepare and characterise superconducting tapes on their own. The preparation of tapes at Risø started very late in 1996, but the first results with a very high critical current after the first heat treatment seem promising. The upscaling of the tape fabrication is ahead of plans concerning length. Today superconducting tapes are produced in 200 m lengths. The goal was 10 m. Concerning critical current density the goal of 30 kA/cm2 has not been reached. This is partly caused by the shift from NKT powder to commercial powder, which has not been without problems. However, the reached critical current density of 15-20 kA/cm2 is still at international level for long length. As planned equipment for km length production has been installed. The cable development is on schedule concerning development of AC-loss characterisation facilities and winding of cable models. However, the critical current density of the latest models is not at the same level as the model made in 1995. Cable models with cryostat have not been tested in 1996 as planned, because the cryostat was not delivered until January 1997. In 1996 two Ph.D. projects have started at ELTEK and two additional will start in 1997. With this increased man-power at ELTEK the possibility to be on schedule again in 1997 seems promising. In the appliation line a working group has been established to work with scenarios within application of HTSC-cables in Denmark. Three reports have been made on superconducting fault current limiters, characteristics of superconducting cables and AC-loss models. An effort on the influence of a radical change of the transmission network based on superconducting cables is missing

Key figures

1996 - 1996
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
11.60 mio. DKK
5.58 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
32 %
Project budget:
17.18 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
DK-superledere i el-sektoren
Project type
Case no.


NKT CABLES A/S (Main Responsible)


Vase, Per
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