Petrology of Upper Silurian reservoir rocks from the Kudirka Atoll, Lithuania

The Upper Silurian limestone rocks of the Kudirka Atoll reef-complex show a complex diagenetic history. By thin section petrography on 50 samples from 7 wells the following sequence of diagnetic events (from oldest to youngest) could be established with a rather high degree of certainty

Project description

The present report deals with a petrographical and petrophysical investigation and evaluation of rock samples and well logs from the Silurian Kudirka reef structure. It intends to answer folloving questions: (1) What diagenetic processes have occured within the different reef rock types from the time of deposition untill present day? (2) Have the diagenetic events influenced the reservoir quality (#phi# and K) of the different reef rocks in a different way? (3) If a correlation exsist between reservoir quality and reef rock type, is it then possible to make a well-to-well correlation of porosity, based on wireline log interpretation, and rock type? Irrespective of the site in the entire Kudirka reef complex, and irrespective of the rock type (rock texture), the reef carbonates have all been subjected to the same sequence of diagenetic events: Compaction/dewatering of lime mud #-># Early lithification #-># Formation of small fractures #-># Early leaching #-># First step of precipitation of intergranular/intragranular sparry calcite cement #-># Second step of precipitation of intergranular/intragranular sparry calcite cement #-># Recrystallization, a neomorphic alteration #-># Chemical compaction and fracturing #-># Precipitation of dolomite, pyrite and silica #-># Late leaching #->#? Oil emplacement. The first five events are assumed to have taken place in the marine or syngenetic stage, whereas the remaining events have taken place in the shallow burial or epigenetic stage to the intermediate burial stage. The present reservoir quality of the reff rocks is primary linked to two of these events: the late diagenetic leaching and the precipitation of sparry calcite cement, that have respectively improved and lowered the quality. The diagenetic transformation of the Kudirka reef rocks has ruined the expected relationships between reservoir quality and reef facies (rock texture): the proximal fore-reef facies being of good quality and the lagoonal facies of relatively very poor quality. Because of the diagenetic alteration no correlation is seen either in the Kudirka reef complex between the reef rock types and the reservoir quality (porosity) based on the wireline log interpretations. An examination of the spatial distribution in the reef complex of rock types (the reef architecture itself) must thus be based exclusively on macroscopic core descriptions. A well-to well correlation of porosity, based on log interpretation, with a subsequent construction of iso-porosity maps, seems very difficult to make for the Kudirka reef complex, because the porosity vary considerable even at very short distances. However, it is important to emphasize that the wireline log analyses are rather problematic, as both the porosity and the saturation interpretation are vitiated by uncertainties related to the limited resolution of the logging tools used, and furthermore, the use of relative high mud weights give rise to invation problems that complicate log interpretation


Compaction/dewatering - Early lithification - Insignificant fracturing - ?First generation og leaching - Precipitation of first generation of inter-/intra-granular calcite cement - Precipitation of second generation of inter-/intra- granular calcite cement - Recrystallization of lime mud, sparry calcite cements, and fossils - Chemical compaction with formation of stylolite-associated fractures - Precipitation of dolomite, pyrite and silica crystals - Second generation of leaching with stylolite surfaces acting as conduits for aggressive fluids - Oil emplacement. In all types of reef rock the late diagnetic leaching phase has favourably influenced the present reservoir quality (#KAPPA# and #PHI#). No clear correlation was found between rock texture and reservoir quality. The numerous crinoid fragments in samples of biosparite/biosparrudite and poorly washed biosparite/biosparudite are primarily respondsible for that, as the rate of growth of syntaxial rimcement on the single- crystalline echinoderm fragments was far greater than the rate of growth of cement on associated multi-crystalline fossils. However, the calcite-replacing calcitic dolomite-crystals, that are associated with the stylolitic joints, have also in places contributed to the lacking correlation

Key figures

1996 - 2001
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.39 mio. DKK
2.02 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
59 %
Project budget:
3.42 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Petrologisk undersøgelse af Øvre Silur reservoirbjergarter fra Kudirkos Atollen, Lithauen
Project type
Case no.


De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Lithuanian Institute of Geology (LGI)
Vilnius University


Stentoft, Niels
Comtact information
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse (GEUS). Reservoirgeologisk Afdeling
Thoravej 8
DK-2400 København NV, Denmark
Stentoft, Niels (geolog), 31106600,
Øvr. Partnere: Lithuanian Institute of Geology (LGI); Vilnius University (VU). Department of Geology and Mineralogy (LGI)